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Everything posted by a*beater

  1. i live in northamptonshire mate in rushden however i am not fussed about living away from home if is required cheers mate any help appreciated cheers dom
  2. I have not seen one like that yet however in the pheasent pen at college they had two hen birds that had the cock birds spurs think the tutor called them and aphradite or summing like that but i also agree i cant see why they would be shot on site they still fly and u can still eat them cheers dom
  3. hi all i am 16 and will be leaving college around august time next year i already have my atv confidence ticket and my safe manual handling i also hope to have my emergency first aid and tractor licencse by then i am looking for a job as an under keeper or apprentice whichever for the course i want to do next year at college the apprenticeship however the college has said that for it i need to be paid a minimum of 94 quid a week and depending on where abouts the place of work is i may need accomodation if i need to be there early which i am sure i will if anybody knows of any underkeeper jobs
  4. I do know that there is a pheasant shoot in the field next door so was not worried about that and as for the rabbits all 3 that were still intact had blood in the ears similar to the ones i have shot when out lamping cheers dom
  5. cheers mate thats what i thought especially when i see the injured cock bird will see what others think
  6. hi im not sure if this in right place but i know a lady that is looking to work her collie sheepdog with some sheep so i said i would ask around for her and thought i would put something on here because i know some of you may own or work for farms in the northants area.any replies pm please cheers dom
  7. Hi all went up to permission yesterday for a walk round with the air rifle but it was more for the benifits of the dog i shot on as soon as i got there so decided to leave it where i could find it.I then turned round to see the dog run off after a cock pheasant that apeared to have been shot it was trying to fly but could only get bout 3 ft of the ground then run abit but still held on leg off floor as i was calling the dog back it dissapered into the hedge along with the dog (bloody terriers)so i stood around waiting for the dog or pheasent to appear the dog then returned but no sign of the p
  8. i need some see under scope mounts

  9. need some see under mounts if any 1 got any spare

  10. I went pigeon shooting recently with a couple of friends and i was ther for bout hal hour when a flock of bout 15 come over sso took aim followed through and dropped one in the field to my right.Nice easy retrieve.I then left it for about 5 minutes whil i had a shot at a couple of others.When i went to retrieve to pigeon ther was nothing left apart from alot of feathers and i know for a fact there is a lot of buzzards and kites around.Amazing what these birds really can do however i cant be the only one to agree that there is starting to be a lot of them around and i personally feel some sort
  11. They are patterdales,both parents are black,don't know where the black and tan came from,must've been a throw back. oh right nice would like one b ut to far from me mate shame that good luck with the sale anyway
  12. hi what breed are they first one looks like border terrier maybe croosed wih jack am ntressted as i have a border cross at min looking for 1 maybe 2 more for workingg but would like border more than cross with jack but would still consider
  13. my head would be the last thing i would put dpwn a badger hole i know of one life form that would like to put their head down a whole cough cough terrier cough cough
  14. is that a bad thing lol could sell them of as limited edition or relatives of michael jackson oops did i say that lol
  15. hi were a bouts in northamptonshire are you based mate?
  16. hi guys to be honest i quite like them i am not trying to sound anti shootig about it but my cousin had a wild one he aquired a little whil ago and i thin they are quite nice and dont see the point in shooting them to be honest dom
  17. hi alll its coming up for the time of the year that i for one know we all love when everything is old enough to shoot so first of just to wish you all good luck and dont fall down any of them reabbit holes around when you are out beating,shooting,or just walking the dog when he happens to chase a fox and may accidently grab it by the throat and you try your hardest to stop him but you just cant get him off that fox anyway i was just wondering what the majority of you on here will be doing in the next few winter months and if you have any pictures of last season thanks all and good shootin
  18. try a dummy heron and put a couple pieces of string around the pond about half a metre high at the most and if that dont work well then you have the choice of putting netting up or shooting the bas**rd
  19. read my newest post now got no permissipon at all not so good after all
  20. hi all had very very bad day today arrived at my permission at 9:00 and by ten o'clocke was on the way home for 2 reasons. 1 the land lady had come to visit me and told me that i was not allowed to shoot rabbits anymore because she had been watching them through her binoculars and grown to love them so that was that then when i got home i got the gun out on the table lokking at it thoughtfully and suddenly realise my barrels looked bent so i took it to my grandads and got the steel rule out on it and to my horror they were bent by about 3-4 mm to the right so not very good so all in all a ver
  21. Cheers yea days off i don`t mind its nice to have a day or two off but hey ive been waiting for a job like this for over a year so holiday can get stuffed for now hi stork mate were abouts in northamptonshire are you
  22. were bouts are ya mate
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