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Everything posted by welsh_hunter12

  1. I’m after a Hob to serve one of my Jill’s. Need some new blood. If anyone could help get in touch please thanks
  2. R.I.P Buck sorry for your loss. Always enjoyed your write ups.
  3. Sounds like he’s had a bad experience with a dog while in the wild. Try and get them drinking egg out of a bowl together. On numerous occasions my ferrets have freaked out and screamed around my dogs even though they are all used to each other.
  4. Took one of my hobs to the vet today due to a lump on his back which luckily is nothing to worry about. We got chatting about ferrets in general and she told me the Jill jab is no longer available in the uk due to some EU legislation. Luckily I have a vasectomised Hob to take Jill’s out of season. Anyone else heard this or is it absolute crap which I reckon it is
  5. Has anyone had any experience with this gun before? I’ve been offered one off a friend.
  6. Legend of a dog! Loved your write ups! RIP
  7. Very tidy bitch I’ll be looking for something similar soon
  8. Tied up at 11 though the sausage rolls were too tempting for her
  9. I get what you both mean. The advice I’ve got off the lads on this shoot is she won’t learn being at home.so far shes doing well.nothing to testing and yeah she’s mainly on the lead and I’ve had good comments off people on the shoot about she’s doing.she’s from really good breeding especially the dams side who I’ve seen work loads of times.as I’ve said it’s my first gun dog and so far I’m chuffed to bits
  10. Thanks for the offer mate a bit too far though. I used to do a lot of work on landfills in Scotland-Penicuik,Avondale greengairs.always saw a lot of rabbits around there
  11. Hello there, I’m re posting my plea from a couple of years ago haha. I’ve been living in Brandon for a few years now and the ferreting situation is not good. Would anyone out there let me tag along? I’ve been ferreting for over 20 years back in wales and the diesel is a killer going back there for an outing.got all the gear locators etc unfortunately lost the lurcher bitch to cancer but i still have the lurcher dog.apparently the number of rabbits is bad around this area according to the blokes on the shoot I go on? So im willing to travel thanks in advance
  12. She’s nearly 11 months the pics of her I uploaded was when she was 9 months old.she’s on the lead for most of the day I only let her off when it’s not a drive to a flushing point.I’ve been going off the advice of the keeper who’s been on the place for years he’s past retirement age and proper old school. I appreciate advice all the same.as I’ve said it’s my first gun dog having been a lurcher and terrier man for years.so far I reckon she’ll do me proud
  13. A totally different dog today! She had her mad moment on the first drive. After that she settled and was not ranging to far ahead and coming back to the whistle.only embarrassing moment today was her going flat out across a field of sugar beet right up the arse of a muntjac.luckily she didn’t follow it through the thick cover it smashed through.
  14. She wasn’t too good to start with but as soon as she saw the cockers going through on the second drive she was smashing straight through it
  15. Well I’m proud as punch! She done well today.she was a bit shit scared of all the other dogs at first but soon settled.I kept her on the lead for the first 3 drives but let her off on the 4th and she actually put up a couple of birds.she was watching the ones flying over like a hawk.she did run on a bit far a couple of times but luckily the keeper is a laid back bloke.she has certainly learnt a lot today
  16. Well it’s her first day on a shoot tomorrow! Mainly to see what it’s all about.her re call is spot on and she stops dead at the stop whistle.the shoot is a small one with no strict beating lines so it’s ideal for her to get experience.she’s not even turned 12 months yet so slowly slowly and all that. Pics to follow tomorrow
  17. Good make up that.all the best with her keep us updated
  18. Nice mate what’s the breeding?
  19. I’m 36 and from the age of 12 i started ferreting on my own back no lessons just stories about my taid (grandad) doing it years ago.I have a son that is 2 at the moment but he’ll be doing the same as me.obviously he’ll be glued to a screen sometimes there’s no getting away from it these days. But I’ll make sure he knows being out with dogs and ferrets is more important
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