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Everything posted by jonnytraff

  1. nice offer for you there pal.. atb for the season.. on
  2. take it out to watch mate.. but id say to young to do anymore than a bit of ferreting.. i started both of mine at 11-12 months. atb jon
  3. the time is closing in getting close to being in those fields... i got goosebumps...
  4. i'll be there mate no need to worry.. are you out??
  5. out tomorrow night with the lurky dogs and lamp wish me luck boys.. jon
  6. christmas is coming isnt it.. they need our dogs as presents for there dad who is also there brother at the same time.. scum of the f*cking earth.. i moving in 2 weeks so be away from the shit had 4 ferrets robbd over the past 3 week..
  7. id love to see how it fared against my big hob lol..
  8. nice piks lads looks like a great day out.. jon
  9. welcme to the site jon.. sorry got no advice as i have never bred a litter. but some of the guys on here should beable to point you in the righ direction.. atb jon
  10. just keep trying mate she should soon come to. atb jon
  11. was in carlisle couple of weeks ago and was riddled with it mate.. no good. jon
  12. well done lads.. good luck with the season.. jon
  13. how much for the lot mate ?? jon Hi Jon your in box is full so your answer for all to see. £30 per collar £50 for knocker box.Sold the 15ft knocker box so the collar on its own £40 all in perfect working order.With the box comes 10 bats with each collar 6 bats.All in price would be £180 but I think that is a bit to mutch so I would take £140 in one hit,4 collars 1 box.P1 if the offer is still there in a couple of weeks i will defo have the lot only get paid in 2 week.. cheers for the info mate.. jon
  14. worth 3oo quid swel in my opinion lol i bet its one of those that goes straight in and kills..
  15. haha what the fecks a pattendale?? and it looks like a nice stamp of dog..
  16. i think thats a woman in the pic though going off the pink trainers but hey if she can aim her piss well stood up then why not lol..
  17. with anothr experienced dog mate and leave it till its about 11-12 month old before you start stickin it in any silly setts.. run it through dead ones by all means but don't ruin the dog by sticking it in too young.. there probably people on here with better advice than me so wait for the replys mate.. atb jon
  18. hi all im just wandering if anybody in the lancashire area would let me join them on a day out "protecting game birds" as i cant seem to get out often enough these days as my dad as phased out of the digging game so im left stranded really.. i have my own terrier and all equipment necessary to do the job properly and i am no idiot that fools around.. if anybody would be kind enough to let me tag along i would really appreciate it. thanks jon..
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