same here mate my dad advised me against it he said its a money racket annd when he and his mate took there two seperatly bred pups for the parvo vaccine back in the late 's.. within 4 months they where both dead and was both parvo. said he would never get them done again and never did and never had a problem.. just goes to show all those out there that insist on it being done.. its not 100% effective and it stil happens.. sorry to here about your pup mate.. jon
try him in a month or two.. if you think hes ready. if hes an headcase hes going to take a pasting every now and again,, if hes a bayer then shouldnt come out as bad but thats just a risk you take,, atb jon
how come you only ever hear or see in the paper or on the news of staffordshire bulls bighting kids or even killing??? all them toss*ers walking around with there tank tops n through streets with there staff 30 yard in front of them.. why??? is it cool or something?? not saying you are one of them mate but them kind of people our going to make us have to have a license and insurance to own a dog soon..
Hi mate no I am a forty year old man, no tank top and looking tuff, Your argument answers itself. Dogs need to be taught and trained to be a social animal. There are loads of little sods rou
I'd agree mate, but would call them foolish rather than an arsehole.
well foolish then mate.. but when there dog bites there own kid they will be calling thereself an arsehole.. lol i have a bull x and wouldnt trust it as far as i could throw it.. they have a background and that should be taken note of.. atb jon
how come you only ever hear or see in the paper or on the news of staffordshire bulls bighting kids or even killing??? all them toss*ers walking around with there tank tops n through streets with there staff 30 yard in front of them.. why??? is it cool or something?? not saying you are one of them mate but them kind of people our going to make us have to have a license and insurance to own a dog soon..
a dog never bites until it bites and when it does it's to late.. so anybody saying yes i trust my bull x around my kids is an utte arse hole in my opinion. jon