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Everything posted by jonnytraff

  1. fair point MISTY. like i say im not saying its the best way to do it. ATB jon
  2. stanley knife and lots of salt thats the way my dad used to do it. not saying its the best way but never did any of the dogs any harm. ATB jon
  3. sounds like a nice couple of hours out mate that fox looks a bit wet. lol did you hit the water table? atbjon
  4. sudocrem lined with vasaline so if the other ferret licks it it won't give it any inside problems. ATB jon
  5. this PRO wannabe must have a brain the size of squirrel!!! stick with the dog mate. ATB jon
  6. if your looking for new then you'll not get out for hundred pound. but if secondhand will do try EBAY thats were i got mine from ATB jon
  7. thanks lad tell your neighbour sticks some ears muffs on or fuc*in tell him piss off my neighbours are allways complaining i let them get on with it theres nothing they can do about it dogs are dogs and they will bark espcially them JACKS!!!! lol atb anyways jon
  8. i have a lakeyxpatt and he does his job well enough for me its everyone to their own opinion at the end of the day all the best anyways jon
  9. i used to have that picture as my desktop background whan i was about 13!!!!!!! I got it off google lol. i think u might of done aswell.
  10. sounded like a good night. atb jon
  11. bolted two fox and a billy cub!!! last season was well shocked. atb jon
  12. take it vets have its voice box cut out or get rid imo. ATB jon
  13. cracking looking russell there mate
  14. looks like you had a good day out then ATB jon
  15. could anyone tell me weather the mk2 locator box works with the mk1 collar please ???? thanks jon
  16. credit to you your dog and everyone who helped out its good to know who your mates are when you need them ATB jon
  17. does anyone know how to upload a picture to this post thanks jon
  18. does anyone have any whippet bull greys on here if so could you get some pictures up as i have one and would just like to see some others thanks atb jon
  19. He is 15 months old, 19 1/2"-20" tts and weighs 28lb Tom very nice piks mate !!!!!
  20. i had the same problem with my first pup mate he soon grew out of it now he knows soon as he gets bak on the slip then the sooner hes next run is guna be just fink he was just to excited [bANNED TEXT] he was out atb anyways mate
  21. sorry to hear pal!!! im a wigan lad so i'll keep my eye open round this end for ya wish you atb on gettin them back
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