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Everything posted by gazguildford

  1. yep they get round the delivering bit by doing face to face sales at your door which they require id for still a good system
  2. my partners ferrets do the biz only on a certain level try putting their food and water on the top level with his bedding and such and just move the litter tray to the bottom i think that may work
  3. or the vet can give them an injection to bring them out of season for £13 and still gives you the option to breed (thats what the vet suggested) but to answer your first question £58 here
  4. forgot to ask...whats the dog youve got..how old is it and does it work cameron someone from this site has offered to take me out for the first time next season. the people on this site will see you good mate. id offer but like i say ill be a first timer and a bit far from you i think. good luck gaz
  5. all he can do is give a price and if people are willing to pay it then he is on a winner not good to fleece people but i always google items for prices before i go to a shop
  6. same as handy as when your in the field mine snip the legs n head and all
  7. while you were using your phone ten rabbits danced passed doing the can can ..... not so smart now are ya lol
  8. lol atlast someone had sense even if its to sell it on good sale good on ya
  9. exactly like my permission i bet if you pull tuffts of fur out theres thousands underneith the was on mine its still not a nice thought of putting em in ya bag i just hang em on the fence and prepare them before i make my way home quite a challenge in the dark with just a head lamp lol
  10. excellent shooting for an hour i was out for a couple of hours and only took 3 atb gaz
  11. There isnt that much challenge there is barly any recoil i dont want a challenge i want to be able to do pest control easily and get something for the pot easily. ok you know what you want so good luck
  12. try it? or get a live trap and pop em with a pistol great!! lol
  13. and if he wants to eat the pigeon he wants a nice breast too, not one with a hole in it i see what you mean by the "hole in the breast" but shottys do far worse damage but still taste just as good personally head neck or chest it dosent matter for me think about it if you suffered a big trauma such as hit by a car the pain takes a while to kick in so if the bird is still alive when it drops just dispatch it as quick as you can even if it means ruining ur hide for ten minutes. as for being harder to shoot im not sure like everything else it depends on the conditions if the bird sits
  14. im currently in the process of switching caliber what im wanting to know is would my aa silencer on my s410 .22 fit my soon to be s410 .177? gaz
  15. pcp's are what yiou need for an easier life i know people that love the challenge of recoil if you want a pcp bad enough youll get one until then enjoy the springer experience
  16. aaron just ask anyone you meet "got any jobs you want doin at a fair price?" anyway guns are like tv's by the time you have enough cash to by an aas410 there will be a better one at a simmilar price and ive been told that bsa lightnings are a top notch springer anyways
  17. when the new season comes around someone is gonna take me out ferreting but my biggest concern at the moment is the season has just ended and all the rabbits on my permission seem to have fleas when shooting its not a problem i just prepare the bunny in the field but obviously fleas will transfer to ferrets would treatment like spot on stop this happening? also i hear you can plop bunnys in a bucket of water and scoop out the fleas with a net after a few minutes i dont like the thought of that but it cant be done with ferrets obviously so whats the best way to stop flea infestation? cheers
  18. went lamping on my new permission last night for the first time and bagged 3 bunnys not good considering i should of had about 20 but hey ive never done much lamping before only my fourth time i think and that was a white light. i think anyone can lamp the rabbits but using ur lamp practising ur field craft and actually getting your shots away is a different matter i can do all 3......... but im not great at reading distances in the daylight so when lamping its even harder but practice makes perfect i got an ultra fire lamp from recomendation from timelord its cheap very powerful and li
  19. i know land owners are legally obliged to control the number of rabbits so if you got in touch with the owner coucil or whoever and informed them of this they could let you shoot and hope you keep stump or they can pay loads of money for a proper pest control programme id start ur letter as normally but just mention "as a land owner it is your leagal duty to control pests and i will do it for free" lol never know could work
  20. great for ya mate, were did ya get the new permission heaving with rabbits? tell me and ill tell no one, honest. ill tell ya if you promise not to tell? its in england lol davy ill get some pics up i dropped the s410 last night used up all my air zeroing again after realising that i was well short on my shots so i took one bunny at 15 yards on the cross hair it took a heck of a bump coz yesterday it was zeroed for 35 yards the bunny i shot was absoloutly riddled with fleas so it was a case of "you can be prepared for the pot here" wasnt gonna put it in me bag with thousands o
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