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Everything posted by shooting.123

  1. wow never knew you had to pay both ends that's mad, deal on the pump
  2. cant believe at this price its still here also have a hills pump that is included in sale
  3. career 707 fac 12-42ftlb tasco scope 10-40x50 career rifle slip moderator 22. 10 shot mag 2 x fill adaptors £250 take away Cornwall my rdf charges £35 if you need it sent need to make room for new .223 http://i913.photobucket.com/albums/ac332/gilesdungey/20130725_174108_zpsbb78cb85.jpg
  4. I am in cornwall make me a offer or swap for something I need room for a 223
  5. http://i913.photobucket.com/albums/ac332/gilesdungey/20130725_174108_zpsbb78cb85.jpg
  6. career 707 FAC 12-42ftlb comes with gunbag tasco 10-40x50 copy I think moderator Hillmans pump photos on request open to offers or swaps on any reloading gear , trail cam , scopes , need room for new toys
  7. I will have caller if it fall though pm me
  8. have you got a steering wheel , rear wiper motor , fuelcap, how much for all the switches
  9. excellent condition 22 adjustable power approx. 12ftlb-42ftlb tasco 10-40x50 scope hills pump new adaptor carrer gun slip moderator £450 may px swap pulsar n550
  10. excellent condition with mepta 6x40 scope pictures on request £550 px swap pulsar n 550
  11. I have a kill germ manuel 60 delivered
  12. wanted as above want 100 will take any amount used and cheap please
  13. all less that one year old cost nearly 350 separate open to sensible offers
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