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Everything posted by corkie

  2. 8 weeks old 100 euros each mothers can be seen will get pics up tomorrow genuine people only co cork ireland pm for info
  3. she took them grand this morning im keeping an eye on her for the day though i took ther 3 strongest patterdale pups off him 2 dogs and a bitch and i have 2 pups off my own lakie x russell bred her with bull x russell
  4. well lads i bred my bitch a while back she had 5 pups last week 3 died so my mate der asked me to take 3 pups off his bitch to put under mine what expierence haver ye had rearing other bitches pups im collecting them tomorrow ive been told rub talc all over them any more tips hopefully she will take them sire and dam are 100% so i will be keeping all 3 if it works out
  5. it was a good game our man botteled it for the point in the last minute
  6. looking forward to this one should be a walk over
  7. any shows coming up in the next few weeks
  8. corkie

    new dad

    thanks for replys lads just got home from oz all is well learning all about nappies now
  9. corkie

    new dad

    well lads became a dad today at 2 mins to 7 and 10 past two healthy beautiful girls
  10. fella i know got a grand for a wanker failure of a lakie off a show lad
  11. no these were handy thank god it was warm enough sunday morning thats us done now ratting for the summer
  12. had a handy day yesterday done a job in a farmers house last week got talkin he said he would let me know if he needed some help got the call friday so rang me bud der and john had 2 handy digs yesterday one to my jess bitch 2ft ond another one to johnnys bitch very happy with these dogs will get pics up tomorrow mark
  13. cow mats all year round then add paper in the winter months
  14. fair play scent its great to be out
  15. the lakie x is 17mths not sure of the other dogs age they are all around the same age
  16. no but the two lakelands are related
  17. no big names just worker to worker top pic is a lakeland bitch jackda owns bottom pic is red lakeland he also owns dog on left is my own lakeland russell glen
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