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Everything posted by yorksjt

  1. I am going away with the girlfriend to Alnwick and while I'm up there I am wanting to participate in some beach fishing. I have the basic equipment but little idea. So I am wanting to know what rigs (simpler the better)and baits to use and what areas to try (I think we are stopping at Embleton). Also what fish I am likely to encounter. Hope someone can help. Thanks.
  2. Thanks for the comment. Have we met?

  3. I've always been told the best time to cut a stick is as soon as you see it. Also not sure that a silver birch will make the best stick, try and get something like hazel, blackthorne or other with a harder wood.
  4. No, you dont have to put the beer down. I use the empty can as a weapon, you wanna go a round or two you retarded cum guzzler. LOL! Seriously, fella this site is for hard core hunters, not wannabe stuntchumps. HAHA! One more pic. By the way, yes the yella dog is Grace. Good answer and thread.
  5. Tried to buy from lamping.co.uk but nothing happened when I ordered via the web and no one will ever answer calls or return any messages, it's very strange as the web keeps getting updated. Call Greenfields of Salisbury they almost matched the price on lamping.co.uk on a Swarovski 8x56. Very good service.
  6. Nice looking dog, why is it being sold?
  7. you could use it close up but it more where you put the shot head or neck, cheers sounder cheers sounder IT IS ILLEGAL TO USE ANY RIMFIRE TO SHOOT FOX RicW No its not, I have it specified on my FAC that I can. I don't think there are any restrictions at all on calibre for foxes. In the UK any way.
  8. Did you have a choice of size on the S+B or is the deal on a specific type. If it is he may be right if thats the best HE has on offer. But like for like S+B are the best.
  9. Just got a T8 myself , what are the differences?
  10. Nice shooting. Its unfortunate but there will always be wounded quarry when shooting and if you never missed it wouldn't be sport! Keep it up.
  11. I am going in Derbyshire in March, never been to this spot before and my mates organised it so don't know too much about it at this stage. When I go if you want to pm me your number I'll pass it on. It is £120 for the day and around £2.50 per kilo for anything shot, I think it is mainly Fallow but he says he has access to all species but CWD, so it could be any. Only ever shot roe and muntjac so looking forward to it.
  12. Same as, but I have just dropped on as a farm I have shot for over ten tears has ASK ME to thin the deer numbers as poachers have been driving all over the drilled fields and making a mess when lamping. Had one in December but numbers aren't massive so I'll be taking only 2 per year. But it is a start. I've been asking loads to be told its already taken or they like to see the deer. Can afford to be paying a pro' all the time so I'll just carry on hoping to get lucky.
  13. If you PM me your number I will pass it on to a guy that that has land in south wales. Not been yet myself but he might do us a deal on two people going.
  14. Cheers. I shoot the south bank but have shot the north with little success. I will give it another go before the season ends, It just means I'll have to untangle my mother lines.
  15. Where abouts were you shooting? Considering it myself this week but not been hearing any good reports lately and its a long drive for sfa.
  16. I've just paid £50 for mine. It was another £50 for reproofing which wasn't done at the same place, but I was told only needs doing if you are selling the gun??
  17. These are the consequences of mistaken ID, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/north_east/6033701.stm
  18. Olt 800 is in my opinion the one to go for.
  19. Never heard of pheasant /bantam crosses before, have you any pictures of what they look like?
  20. When I moved, in between moves I lived at my parents for six months I informed the police of what was happening and they just told me to give them my new address once I had it. So only had to change it once, they were really good with it all.
  21. Silkies are good broodies but silky cross are best, as silkies feathers can mat up and chicks get caught in them. If you use a sussex the chicks on the first cross are coloured dependant on sex, cocks white hens buff so if you want you can only keep the hens. Welsummers will be as good as any or if you can get some, Hamburghs as these are hardy and good forages.
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