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Everything posted by laner

  1. great honest post, need more ppl like you on here rather than the my dog this my dog that!! in this game you will never stop learning and anyone who thinks they know it all knows feck all.
  2. Off to BnQ tommorrow to get me one of them green fox sheds!!!
  3. most people on here are here for a reason,( the love of working dogs i hope) so why do some people go out their way to shoot others in the foot? its a great website set up for country sports people who all have the same passion for hunting etc i bet the anti brigade love coming on here to read about us all doing all the wrong things! have a think before you post ffs. all the best laner
  4. bit of a no brainer really; yeh you can take a chance and get a pup off any old tom dick or harry without knowing any history about it or them and prob save a few ££ but the time you are gonna put into it bringing it on etc may well and prob will backfire on you in the end. i will always buy from proven parents or at least from people who i know work their terriers. people have put years n years of hard work and patience into getting their dogs to work to their best of their ability (time n patience that i haven't im affraid) i have let them do all the hard work for me. iv had terriers an
  5. how come since my hair stopped growing and started receding it decided to grow out my ears and nose

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. paulus


      arse cheeks that is lol

    3. Malt


      You don't loose any hair as you get older, it just migrates south.. ;) lol

    4. Attack Fell Terrier

      Attack Fell Terrier

      LOL, some of the hairs I've been pulling out of my nose has been thicker than pubic hair!

  6. went to a gypsy wedding the weekend and was dancing with the bride when the groom came running up and kicked her right in the fanny!!! my mate said i bet that bloody hurt? i replied yes broke three of my fingers

    1. christian71


      That joke is that old the bride & groom are now dead

  7. They look just like a perfectly legal fox trap to me!! of course you need bait to catch them
  8. the invention of the locator was a great thing but i also think its made poor terriers look good and great terriers look average,
  9. had a 15lb rainbow on a hand line while the lady i was doing an extention for was out walking her dogs!! river itchen ran thru her garden and i just had to do it lol
  10. Farmer in barnsley sees a bloke drinking from his pond and shouts "heyop cock tha dun wanna b drinkin from theer its full of hoss piss n cow shite" the bloke says "im from pakistan can you speak a bit slower? " OK says the farmer, if-you-use-two-hands-my-friend-you-wont-spill-any!!!!

  11. the back of the plate is stamped in black CAULDON with England written smaller underneath. there is also a large stamped black 6. Finally, in red it says L 6742 B the dog sure has some ragged ears. Looks like a worker. I wonder if it's a specific dog or more of a generalization? I think you will find that the ears are pinscher, just like the doberman pinscher, a bit like tail docking but done a few weeks later. all the best on finding out the history of the dog and i would love to hear about it. sure beats my socks n a bottle of old spice!!!
  12. Got bit good n proper on the hand by a fox shot DEAD in a net with a 410, My god the pain was unbelievable, it was actually gnawing on me as if to say "have some of that" That was 20 years ago and i aint been bit since, lesson learnt the hard way!! Been bit by a hound since while i was trying to free it from a fence it was caught in but that was nothing compared to the pain of charlie!!!
  13. Totally agree mate, years ago before i moved to not so sunny somerset i had 20 thousand acres of land in hampshire but only ever found in a few remote locations. its not the acres you have i think its more how the land is made up,
  14. Whenever i obtained new ground i would always look for anywhere a bit higher ie banks hills etc, anywhere water wont settle and make the earth ( well lets just say not so cosy ) Im not saying you wont find them in wet horrid places but think like a fox and you will normally come up trumps. Be prepared for many a mile walking thru thick n thin dragging your kit n terriers but dont give in. Or you can be a lazy git like me and let 30 hounds and a landrover do the work for you!! Thinking back to the old times i think it was a better test of man n dog before i got involved with the hunt, Its
  15. Hi Gerry, im not knocking you or anything but pedigree n papers for a terrier! Maybe im just old school but in all my years involved with hunting and terriers i have never come across a terrier with papers ( apart from the daily star in its kennel as bedding ) My papers n pedigree about a pup have always been a look at parents and as much info about them as you can obtain. all the best laner Hi there yes you are absolutely correctin in what you say, i have kept working dogs on and off for 50years never had papers, but this is a different situation, when there have been a few more replie
  16. Now that times have changed since i was a young un i just wondered if any of you young boys make them or buy them, i used to get so much pleasure catching a fox or a rabbit in a home made net rather han a shop bought one. Sorry for the random post but i am just curious about how times change. I remember that me n my old mate ken used to make 1 each a night with a ring on our big toe whilst watching tv! Would of been more but a bottle of scotch and only fools and horses put paid to that!!
  17. I have had plenty of so called hard dogs in my time but only one has stood out from the crowd (chips was his name) I thought i had seen many hard terriers until i obtained him then it became clear that i had not! I have had a few and seen loads of terriers owned by others at work that many would class as hard but believe me that dog had one gear and that was forward, Now the down side!! he only worked 6 times a season and he only worked 3 seasons!! Cost the same to feed as all my other terriers! Stil want a HARD terrier? The best terrier i have ever seen work was called terror from a good
  18. Hi Gerry, im not knocking you or anything but pedigree n papers for a terrier! Maybe im just old school but in all my years involved with hunting and terriers i have never come across a terrier with papers ( apart from the daily star in its kennel as bedding ) My papers n pedigree about a pup have always been a look at parents and as much info about them as you can obtain. all the best laner
  19. cheers rey, whats the point in it kicking around in my shed forever when someone can make good use of it, wish i had a dozen or more as had loads of pms asking for it. cheers laner.
  20. I loved it last night! its the only time of the year my misses takes it up the arse shes dyslexic ad thinks its Vaseline day

  21. sorry mate i have already given it away to some young lad on here but he hasnt got back to me yet so will keep you in mind. cheers laner
  22. Had a few pms this morning about box, cant believe how rude some ppl are when asking for something for free!! I have given it to some yuong lad on here who actually said please and thanks. laner
  23. Standby for a que oh 45 year aulds pretending to be 13 to get a free box. Offer it as a prize in terrier johns comp in the young hunters sect,, or have your own comp. best bag over a weekend with pics to prove get it typa thing !! Well done on the offer like !! Like i said mate its free and so is the postage (uk only mind lol) i just hope and trust it will go to a young keen lad not someone trying to make a quick buck, if i knew how to give it to someone on here ie;terrier john so he could put it in a comp for the young ones i would? I just wish some snotty nosed kid wth a ratty old t
  24. I have an old one kicking about in my shed (no collar) if any young lad wants it they can have it? not to sell on as i could bag a few £££ on ebay for myself!! I would sooner some keen lad have it for nout.Im not being funny but i will have to go out my way to wrap it up and pay postage so please only some young lad (like i was a few decades ago ). I think you can still get the collars for them or maybe someone on here might have one to give away so they can have a good start in what will be a life long passion. laner
  25. Twas one of them big london foxes, killed the parents 1st
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