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Everything posted by artful212

  1. id say over 26 wud be big for any bitch Especially if she has borrowed her fathers Y fronts and she is concealing a big ole bubble but ass,alongside a prosthetic organ lol,all in double dip recession humour squire lol sounds like horror movie or near death experience
  2. looks like it mines is in them same bunch tho prob only make 23 or 24 tts any point in her ? sell her if i was you was thinkn that maybe to a midget she look big so suit some one lol see thats where i go wrong , seen as im a midget whippets look big and powerful to me what do u think of deerhounds they a type of horse close enough
  3. id say over 26 wud be big for any bitch
  4. looks like it mines is in them same bunch tho prob only make 23 or 24 tts any point in her ? sell her if i was you was thinkn that maybe to a midget she look big so suit some one lol see thats where i go wrong , seen as im a midget whippets look big and powerful to me what do u think of deerhounds
  5. looks like it mines is in them same bunch tho prob only make 23 or 24 tts any point in her ? sell her if i was you was thinkn that maybe to a midget she look big so suit some one lol
  6. the stripes make them faster its been said earlier go faster stripes i jus skipped half it glad others agree
  7. looks like it mines is in them same bunch tho prob only make 23 or 24 tts
  8. hope i dont end up the pd again lol i was sum state me and icy fs
  9. what u mean they dont want to talk about them or show pics
  10. the stripes make them faster
  11. so no big powerful bitches then lol
  12. he looks the part nice shape mate
  13. your right mate that be a decent x shud be handy
  14. hard lines mate happened to me few years ago hardest bit is replacing the dog
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