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Everything posted by adzi_73

  1. put your arse on my face a love the way your doggy tastes ...wiggle wiggle
  2. cracking looking pups mate.....how big do you think they will make??
  3. http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/search/46..._have_your_say/
  4. forgot 2 mention i also have a mini jrt/great dane X bedlington poodle with a tad of wirehaired chiuaua its only 7 month but its doing really well.....doesnt even shit!! but ill be honest it has the odd pittle here and there would get pics up but they on me phone just put ya details on here and ill get back 2 u asap
  5. ill part ex.... in exchange for this " extra-ordinary sounding " dog ill give you.... 1. 3 packets of WALKERS...yes walkers smokey bacon flavour crips. 2. a FCUK giftset 3. a pack of playing cards 4. a tin of quality streets and last but not least a sack full of countymans weekly mags so you can learn not so much about the sport, but the animals involed in the sport.... as if youre selling a dog cost youre short of cash!! thats my point put well and truly forward sorry for going on but its true and im sure the many members of this site will back my point up!!
  6. never worked one myself but i have heard they are cracking for marking sets
  7. when the ferrets kill the young by lying on them or something like that what do you do ..... take them yourself....or will she just eat them or what cheers adzi
  8. scooby doo was a good turn back in the day like
  9. 8 legs of venison for £20 is that 2 deer think about it
  10. why dont you just put a silver against a silver is it true about the kits been deformed??
  11. [bANNED TEXT] mate a live in durham which isnt 2 far away i have a silver hob and jill shes just comeing into season now
  12. any chance of sticking a pic up mate very interested
  13. at a rough guess what size do you think it will make?? adzi
  14. looks like a cracking set of dogs youve got there mate!! adzi
  15. no chance of you selling a locator??
  16. any chance of putting some pics up on here mate?
  17. a gathered the lonelyness bit im trying me pluck out trying 2 get either a hob or a gill, prefer a hob like i havent met john yet, spoke 2 him but im due some new nets so ill b meeting him soon cheers 4 the advice again about the livers and heads and dry food adzi
  18. i will pay 10/15 if you deliver dont know weather your interested??
  19. any advice fellas? my gill isnt settling in at all is this normal seen as though ive only had her a couple of days? shes messing all the sawdust up and not touching her food? cheers
  20. cheers fellas ill wait till the weekend and see what shes made of haha
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