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Everything posted by fieldfare

  1. A good mate of mine works on an estate in Wittersham,Kent - it borders onto Peasmarsh,E.Sussex and McCartneys land, he's seen 3 adult boar get up and bolt during the day on the arable fields down there....
  2. Simple mind is true, you've sussed me!

    Well at least my Torrets have'nt kicked in on your comments hey......

  3. Must becouse i'm easily entertained, ciaooo...

  4. interesting comments on your profile...;)

  5. Your comments are interesting reading....

  6. Hey your comments make good reading!

  7. your comments seem colourfull on here....

  8. perverts on THL???,never! hehe

  9. On the country estate/game farm i work on,pre ban we used to do fox control on the lamp with a friends bitch saluki/grey x whippet/grey and my friend also ran a saluki x saluki /grey.The saluki/grey x whippet/grey bitch was started of with the 3/4 cross doubled up and also a other friends 5/8 bull/grey so she knew no different.I surpose its how the dog is entered that counts and running with a bull grey and the 3/4 saluki on charlie pre ban made her think it was normal i surpose and made her a dexterous single handed fox catcher in her time.
  10. withnelly your writing a longwinded reply,hope its good reading Yes your so'oooo correct! :tongue4: ,i dont have time to trial a dog just work it,yet ive trained 2 springers for a person and they both respectivly gained a 1st and 3rd in a working test first time out. If you want to give me alittle bell sometime along with your chums give me a bell o great one,07821759604
  11. Yes i am a complete novice compared to my parents who have made up 17 FTCH's plus a few winners And ive forgot about my grandfather who's still working/trialing in Eire nr to Carlow with his ftch setters...and i was in Langudoc france with him in 2008 as he was invited over to judge a trial and i stayed with him,but anyway....
  12. Yes i am a complete novice compared to my parents who have made up 17 FTCH's plus a few winners
  13. If there that well bred why mess a pedigree up by crossing them?
  14. good for you withnelly,i have four and work with my families working ftch english setters. Regards Ryan
  15. If its wasting your time dont read it then butcherboy ,and there just hinze 57's...
  16. Now i dont know much but i do dog handle for guys with peregrine falcons and a jer falcon>spelling?,could you start with a gos hawk if you had a good teacher?,i dont want a harris hawk or a buzzard and i know you cant start with a falcon but?...
  17. My ex girl friend from a few years ago parents where true travalers,wow she could through a decent jab when i dumped her
  18. That describes you then Micheal ,i only pop on the net for around an hour and a bit in the evenings yet you seem to be on the various falconry forums(IFF AND Falconry Questions etc) all during the day(falconry friends tell me how many times you log in) yet you have ample time to fly 8 birds of prey,train gundogs for a living then your equine element = busy boy . I dog handle for friends who hunt properly with peregrine falcons and a jerkin yet they all work at home the same as you yet they just fly 1 falcon each as to do one properly takes alot of time,Micheal i take my hat of to you,any
  19. Countryside Alliance all the way for me,i found the cover much better than the cover by the BASC.
  20. Perhaps everyone should ask Mr Ex Policeman on here called MiLisCer,he's spouted copper stuff to a couple of users on the falconry section on THL,He'll know
  21. MiLisCer,now your very quick to have a pop at people but with all your profound expertise you've only ever made up "2" FTCH's!(in Labs i believe),and you say you've been working and trialling gundogs for over 30 years between you and your partner.Well with all the numerous puppies you churn out not many are seen doing the biz with your affix (up front; in trials are they,or am i wrong Mike? Which would indicate we dont "churn" out many puppies in fact if you read the KC breed record supplement you will see we have only "Churned" out 10 MiLisCer bred puppies in the last 5 years.. 10
  22. MiLisCer,now your very quick to have a pop at people but with all your profound expertise you've only ever made up "2" FTCH's!(in Labs i believe),and you say you've been working and trialling gundogs for over 30 years between you and your partner.Well with all the numerous puppies you churn out not many are seen doing the biz with your affix (up front; in trials are they,or am i wrong Mike?
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