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Everything posted by fieldfare

  1. But some are more equal than others!! The first and last Hunt Ball i went to, i got looked down at as i did'nt speak with a plumb in my mouth. Sad but true, i was snubbed by most .
  2. Look what they did to Robin Page!!!!
  3. Wow, you've been busy looking that info up. I've been educated tonight
  4. That poor little bugger went through hell. Just hope a Screw leaves a cell door open by accident and they get what they deserve
  5. Scotland is always banging on about how they want to be seperate from England in all other matter's. So, why should they have the Premiership League money from England ? P.S I'm from divided loyalties, as my old man is Irish and my mummy is a Scot, but me and my brother live in England so we're very Ethnic
  6. Years ago, we had a working Labrador. He was big and black so he got called Brixton.
  7. Bit like brutal Ugandan dictator Idi Amin's regime in 1971 - 79. He kicked out all the Asians ( they came here!) as he labled them parasites. He wanted Uganda for the Ugandan blacks. Did it help Uganda ???
  8. To be honest, is'nt it a case of bolting the stable door when the horse has already bolted ? Is it to late for anything like the BNP to make a difference ?
  9. I think the BNP need some new fresh faces up in the spotlight. They're the same old faces doing the campaignes.
  10. Same here, as long as i can read it and it's not written in bloody Urdu or whatever i could'nt give a toss.
  11. They say dogs look like their owners. Surely she owns a whippet ?
  12. I only watch it to perve on that blonde Tracey Solomon from Dagenham. She starred in my dream last night
  13. I don't mind looking at them, makes me feel better about myself There is such a difference between extremely fat and extremely skinny, i wondered which one would cause more disgust Why should anyones body shape cause disgust , there human beings after all , to be brutal this is a male dominated site & posting up pics of females be they fat , skinny , blonde brunette goes with the territory This aint the site to become precious about body shape & if you think its disgusting or not Of course spme bodyshapes cause disgust to some, some men love obese women,
  14. Oh well, at least it's a Camel toe free zone...
  15. so do most of them jump or just stop at fences and let what they chase get away or do they run for the nearest opening to get through or just run up and down going mentle Scottish, Welsh, English, Irish or Pakistani dogs or any other ethnic dog can jump, depends how good at training the handler/owner is surely ?
  16. Was she hunted in her first season, if so on what please ? Does she take a hood ?
  17. Rub Borax on the inside of the pelt, and leave for a couple of weeks for it to dry in.
  18. MR R u jus need msn Hello you, is that another hint for MSN then hey ?!
  19. your Frazer hamilton!!!

  20. The weekend begins on a thursday... after 4 days graft and knowing fridays working day will be short and sweet but knowing good things will come ? Home, tea and shower - followed by lots of Brute/ Old spice/trying to shave..... and hitting the pulling scene ? To score is a bonus... and often shared in mind blowing discussions with your friends/rivals ? Sometimes I hid my pants from my mother after a fruitfull night.... ? Am I sounding like a 26 year old bloodthirsty male ? ...... do I need facebook ?.......
  21. This sums it up for me! Hope it works. You never know who you're talking to on the net. Unless of course you do know who you're talking to! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GcVnhNjWV0...player_embedded
  22. fieldfare


    See, nobody could argue with such a genuine statement................ I'm sure you only have a mug a mother can love xxx
  23. Over near Holkam Bay . . .. . but away from people! Mate of mine told me there was a nudist beach along there ?....
  24. fieldfare


    Surely, if members really do care about their sport why cant they be mature/think first and moderate ones self ?
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