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Everything posted by fieldfare

  1. Ah OK, So how is the gyr x saker falcon doing?

    Are they any good off the fist on pheasants? I want to get into hawking but want a falcon to start with really!

  2. Oop's, I thought you was In your 30's! I'm good with words hey ?!

  3. Ha, well most women In their 30's need a while to recover...

  4. Tut tut, yeah i believe you.

  5. "5.36am and she's not been to bed yet!!!! "

    You dirty stop out!!!!

  6. Ha almost spat my beer out over my keyboard seeing "that" bolt.
  7. I'm Ryan, my friend hunts (properly) a goldie and a goshawk..

    Just remember your user name and mug shot from off the IFF...

  8. Used to log onto the IFF and check on what my mate posted on there, as i at times beat and take his hawking photos for him.

  9. Nice girls like you should'nt perv on sweet young boys like me....

  10. Ring Crime Stoppers and report him for being a padeo, filming little girls playing on the field ......... Classic
  11. Can you pay by other means?, i wont /cant use paypal.
  12. You thinking what I'm thinking! I feel a holiday coming on! The lands all tied up around there mate
  13. Exactly.....Is'nt it bloody funny the people who say they are barbaric have no real legal experience of them in a proper hunting setup.. Have you made a bow press by any chance? In short, No. I paid for a Bow Master Portable Bow Press, Use of an unapproved bow press will void my warranty on my crossbow. So why would i? Surpose you have? If so good for you.
  14. Exactly.....Is'nt it bloody funny the people who say they are barbaric have no real legal experience of them in a proper hunting setup..
  15. Have the Council come round and monitored the noise ? Friend of mine had the same with his Neopoliton Mastiffs, they called round and set a tape recorder up in the complaining neighbours property. They made him put up an extra solid fence so the sound could bounce off But saying that, he did get away with it.
  16. My nephew has a pair/trio now, he used to have quite a lot. He has the finest BBR cock I have seen to be honest. He gave £300 for the father to him!! I used to keep Oriental gamefowl, but they attract the wrong sort of people for my likings. What Oriental gamefowl did/do you keep ? (dont worry not asking for directions )
  17. got any pics mate Yes mate but i shall have to do a photo of a photo as they're not on Digital form. Also have a trio of Lemon Blue's too but not at home.
  18. Have some ginger and pyle Oxfords.
  19. I use a Barnett Rhino Crossbow for my nine day long hunting trip in France (fallow, boar) .
  20. Well, are'nt they classy birds. I'm sure ya mummy would be proud to take on of them home to meet the folks...
  21. Taken from the we don't stand together thread: If the hunting ban is repealed in England and Wales? mark my words "it will only be to the benefit of organised packs and the MFHA!! it will not be repealed in favour of Lurcher or Terrier work and it will be licensed?" I'm not spreading or advocating any type of division here only stating the obvious?? and we will be asked by the powers that be (countryside alliance) for our support again? I'm not giving it if its to the detriment of the ordinary lads and not for the benefit o
  22. But some are more equal than others!! The first and last Hunt Ball i went to, i got looked down at as i did'nt speak with a plumb in my mouth. Sad but true, i was snubbed by most . which hunt In "which" way ??
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