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Everything posted by hoghunter

  1. Sombody mentioned 25-06 (metric 6,5x63), 6,5 Mannlicher (original 6,5x54 Mannlicher schönauer) and 6,5x55 Swedisch Mauser as good alllround cartidges. I never used 25-06 but I own M 1903 Mannlicher Scönauer full stock carabine in 6,5x54 and I used it manny times (today only ocasionly). With RWS and Hirtenberger ammunition with 10,3 gr. bullets it is a nice handy high quality rifle wery acurate capable to take any game depending how good the schoter is but with certenly limitation of range and power in my exprience 150-170 m and 100-120 kg game weight. I hunted too befor for several years wit
  2. I presonly use 243 and 6,5x57 they great on roe in open country but a single gras kan change their direktion soe when I shoot from the ground i prefer 30-30 then in this situations you mostly schoot max. 150 or even closer. Useing lower grain bulletts dont meain reduces meat demage you must use bullets with harder/stronger construction. Evry roe that I take with 8x57IS had lower meat demage then they taken with 243 or 6,5x57 with 6 gr. bullets.
  3. Never use it I hope it is powerful enaf. I taked over 200 boars. My favorite caliber is 9,3x62 folowed by 8x57IS. It is always a question of god schot placement, I taked one kg with 22 Hornet (headschot).
  4. Hello to evrybody, my englisch ist very poor exaktly I can reed almoust evrthing but not write evrithing I want to explain sombody or asq him-that may limitation on this forum. I am a activ hunter for mor than 16 years. Like my username sayed I almoust exklusivly hunt wild pigs and roe deers. I hope i can learn somting on this forum and that I can bee useful for som others forum members with my hunting expirienc.
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