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dean 29

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Everything posted by dean 29

  1. my firstxbull 28 tts catces foxes and deer preban
  2. she was out there for hours!! Think it was about 1am when she came back in.
  3. I suggest you light a fire and let the smoke go into the trap (dont put the trap on the fire), The rat can probably smell your scent on it, or the scent of a previously caught rat. I had a problem with my trap for a while, i let some smoke get to it to take the smell of me off it and its been working great, i do this after every rat caught as well.
  4. she is good with her hands aye
  5. cant pick just the one, i enjoy them all, spose the deer would be near the top tho i like em all except rats, dirty little creatures :sick:
  6. Well its coming down pretty fast so we'll have to see if she goes out to play tonight....lol
  7. shes hoping it will keep snowing....though she dosnt know what to make next... any idea's?
  8. My Mrs said thanks for all the nice comments.
  9. Had an early night last night, left the Mrs downstairs on her own.........
  10. dunno hes suposed be from scotland
  11. looks a fair animal!!! looks a machine!! he is
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