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dean 29

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Everything posted by dean 29

  1. that is the best lookin bull x ive seen
  2. nice dogs mate, that paddys one big dog!!!!!! Cheers mate. This is oscar, hes a first cross. (doesnt like the camera flash) And another pic of Paddy. dog dog
  3. nice dogs mate, that paddys one big dog!!!!!! Cheers mate. This is oscar, hes a first cross. (doesnt like the camera flash) And another pic of Paddy. dog dog
  4. nice dogs mate, that paddys one big dog!!!!!! Cheers mate. This is oscar, hes a first cross. (doesnt like the camera flash) And another pic of Paddy. dog
  5. Looks a machine! should imagine he's a good draw dog? is he any good on the lamp? hi just wondering how tall is this 3/4 dog as i av a pup at 5 1/2 munth old dog??????? 24tts
  6. thanks mate nice to see some one knows a good working dog I think if a lot of the muppets on here seen him work. they would pass out it would all be to much for them. Two nice bulls you got there mate, its nice to see decent pics of tidy bulls.
  7. bump Looking for a terrier box what size is it. if it has not been sold already. Carl
  8. nice pups, fair play to you. I'll send you a picture of Murphy tommorrow, let me know if you think hes put wait on.
  9. I had a whippet that kept knocking his tail... i put some tube bandage on it... the type you get for your fingers, and a lot of the tape to hold it on. That worked brilliantly for me. See what your vet has to say, just incase though.... the bandage doesnt work for all coz some will pull it straight off.
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