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dean 29

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Everything posted by dean 29

  1. Some people deserve a pat on the head, with a paving slab!

  2. Here comes the snow ill be playing in my landrover 90

  3. ..a never ending day with the bullshit, it keeps coming and coming and then when u think it's all good another big heapin' pile of bull comes shitting your way! O well n f**k it

  4. I may not be the brightest or the prettiest but I have a big heart, and I'm me.

    1. Carraghs Gem

      Carraghs Gem

      well the first parts probably true!



      Do I see someone who wants sympathy? Reads like a lonely hearts coloum at the back of a slutty mag lol

  5. I love you for who you are, not what you are. It's who you are that attracted me in the first place. I love YOU!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lab


      No mate your still f****d ....lol

    3. nitestalker 28

      nitestalker 28

      fair play mate nice to be in love and be proud of it i am mad in love with my woman and were 12 years together in 10 days and 3 kids its nice to still be in love after tat many years she is a diamond eva



      Untill thet fcuk off with someone lol SLAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

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  6. stefan doorhof is my hero !!!!!

  7. People need to learn that their actions DO affect other people. So be careful what you say and do. It's not always just about you!

  8. WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT..... We can't say Merry Christmas now we have to say Happy Holidays. We can't call it a Christmas tree, it's now called a Holiday tree? Because it might offend someone. If you don't like our "Customs" and it offends you so much then LEAVE I will help you pack. They are called customs and we have our traditions. If you agree with this please post this as your status!! I AM A PROUD BRITISH CITIZEN... MERRY CHRISTMAS! Do you have what it takes to repost this?

    1. Lab


      Cant wait to go for my tree this year then...i f*****g pray the man says i cant call it a xmas tree so i can tell him to stick it right up his f*****g arse then....lol

    2. bringthepain
    3. Lab


      oh you gay boy!!

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  9. Teacher: " Tom , why is your cat at school today ?Tom: ( crying)" i heard the milkman telling mum that [bANNED TEXT] the kid goes to school he gonna eat her pussy "

  10. I'm as bored as a midget in a theme park...

  11. DAMN YOU VODKA!! You're bad for me, but we're fun together LOL

    1. bringthepain


      I heard you were taking shots off a naked thai boy.

  12. Im hide the sausage champion i am. WELL UP in i O. LEGEND

  13. waaaaaaaaaah«devil»

  14. Owell sleep it is n

  15. Place this cat and dog on your wall to show that you are against animal cruelty..../\„,„/\......... //^ ^\\...( =';'=).......(/(_•_)\).../*♥♥*\........._/''*''\_.(.|.|..|.|.).......(,,,)^(,,,)I DON'T LIKE people that hurt animals...I HATE THEM !!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Rebel Pack

      Rebel Pack

      on the wrong forum then lad

    2. Carraghs Gem

    1. jessythewhippet


      Youll not hsve any fiends saying ` I have no friends` lmao

    2. Simoman


      You on a downer with your updates

    3. scothunter


      are these real friends,or just the cyber friends that so many of you crave,and think your life is not complete,unless you have 50+strangers on your facebook page

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  17. o well n f**k it im off 2 bed 4 the day

    1. Lab


      lazy coont!!!....lol

  18. I tried a bit of cage fighting last night. I'm fine but you should see the state of the budgie

  19. Today I saw a sign that made me piss myself...Toilets Closed lol

  20. is playing mw3.

    1. Lab


      correct jacko.....ffs!!..lol

    2. scothunter
    3. fazza123


      the game is brilliant,just wish i was any good at it??

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