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dean 29

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Everything posted by dean 29

  1. lol thanks mate. i love these dogs,lets see some more pics n
  2. when the wind blows your dog off his feet lol
  3. yes mate good dog on big stuff pre ban
  4. gotta go oot for a walk, wae a lamp to find oot if its gonna be a hard nites lamping whats that alaunt like thats up for sale on here? Been trying to get a price off the bloke but cant get no sense. Hope you dont mind me asking as ive seen you talking to him... dont supose you know how much? Imagine the pups out of her and my rough dog in the future. pm sent.. i meant 2 pm you
  5. gotta go oot for a walk, wae a lamp to find oot if its gonna be a hard nites lamping m
  6. any pics off pure deerhound my dog
  7. i know what your saying mate but i dont think it will work, im sure they got it in for me... or the bloke who had my jeep before me must have been a right robbing git lol once your jeep is marked the traffic cops will pull you over everytime. i think it comes up on the reconised number plate reconition computer thing they have in the police car. change your truck.. anybody wanna buy an l200 on 02 plate. good for lamping. (lol if u wanna get pulled every 2 minutes)
  8. im out 2nite in my mates jeep looks a good nite
  9. i do different areas, if i phone the local police ill still get stopped by the speed cops, and searched ect. Some nights i do over 150 miles. ill give it a try next time i go... see what happens.
  10. once i get there and im parked up i can enjoy myself, its the travelling to and from thats the problem. I got to drive for an hour because theres nothing around my way.
  11. i know what your saying mate but i dont think it will work, im sure they got it in for me... or the bloke who had my jeep before me must have been a right robbing git lol If thats the case its called harassment
  12. i know what your saying mate but i dont think it will work, im sure they got it in for me... or the bloke who had my jeep before me must have been a right robbing git lol
  13. Ive told them that everytime but they still feel the need to phone there and then.
  14. Fed up with going lamping now, last 7 times ive gone ive been stopped, searched and generally irritated by the police. Different places that i have permission on as well. Ive shown my letter giving me permission to go on the land that im obviously not on while im in my car because im heading to or from there. Getting sick of the hassle and the police costing me permission as they feel the need to phone up the owners of the land even though its stupid o clock in the morning, which annoys the landowners given that most are farmers and work long hours so they need their sleep. Havent got many far
  15. If you do not mind me saying What! a lovely Pair and the dogs are nice too ,in Sport Jonathan :tongue4:
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