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Everything posted by whippeter69

  1. Thanks mate, its a bit similar training to my labrador at my dads house, just with a whippet thats all, thanks for the advice mate
  2. I once filled my step brothers 2 pint beer mug up of tea and drank that, pissing like a river after tho
  3. whippeter69


    My Pay Pal will not let me use my card as i tried to verify it so many times getting it wrong it cancelled it, is there another way other than pay Pal ? I really want to become a donator
  4. Heres the pictures of my 10 finished long net poles, on the tools needed to make them, their cut to 331/2 inches tall i think that is tall enough, anyway thanks for looking..
  5. I only take it off to make it easier to see in the dark but might stop doing it
  6. Ye thats a knot on the wood, a bit trick to bend and guess what when i tired bending it the bloody thing snapped dosent matter thou i got 5 more today to cut and straighten out
  7. i read in the Mens Health magazine lol that if you drink 3 cups of tea a day it halfs you chances of getting throat cancer in men
  8. Just a bit curious but i think iv got a bit of a problem with drinking tea, i drink about 12 cups a day juts wanted to see how many cups of tea people drink. Thanks
  9. Heres a pic of my rabbiting terrier Amber
  10. Heres a pic of my terrier along with her best friend, Aladine
  11. This is what i did Go out and cut some nice long straight hazel branches, Put them in the loft/on the radiator and leave them for 3 weeks. Then cut them into 3Ft lengths and then put a point on one end and trim the bark off of the other and then have a go at straightening any small bends in them,i use a electric hob and this works great for me, but some people wrap the bends in a small cloth and put hot water over it, iv not tried this but im sure it will work, Heres a few pics for you mate The tops And the bottoms
  12. what i a doubled muscled whippet is it that it has more muscle
  13. Nice leads there gary, how does the blue one work mate ?
  14. Tonight i went into the field next to my house (with permission) and started the training on my whippet. Firstly i started to walk her off the lead to heel with the lamp off, then after lots of praise for when she finally got it i started the next little practice. I got ball out of my pocket and started to roll it down the field, whilst she was on the lead, and let her watch it until it stopped, i turned the lamp off and the slipped here at the same time turning the lamp on. She then ran about 20 yds and picked it up, I pointed the lamp to my feet and gave a long smooth whistle and she c
  15. hi mate, Iv got a lakeland cross Border bitch and shes a great ferreting dog, ratting dog but iv not done much foxes with her this season, and shes a very intelligent hard dog too. Heres a pic mate Reason for edit = Spelling
  16. Its a slip lead sorry, obviously not what your thinking
  17. LightForce Blitz, but we wire the thing other wise you spend more time getting frustrated out in the field when it goes.
  18. i bought it from my local gun shop, its a Bisley slip lead but i cut the small black rubber from where the ring sits at the end and then i placed it on my whippet ,measured it up and used some sewing string to sew the two pieces together and wrap it around for extra strength.
  19. Do you like it, im guessing you know how it works, if not leave a comment il tell you
  20. i know what you were doing on 2008/10/25 at 02:45 he he he he
  21. where is the comp, good luck with the dog, hope the other one gets better
  22. Wev ruined it one lets not do it again
  23. umm not being funny but it 21:02 and im still here
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