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Everything posted by whippeter69

  1. The landowner can take your name and address and go to the police and they can fine you and take your dogs and equipment, so dont do it if i were you !!
  2. How much are the Poachers ones and how much for price of rubber per foot?
  3. Even with the best living accommodation they will still try and escape, little bugger good you got it back though lol made me laph
  4. Sounds like this mate shouldn't even have dogs, well done for you taking her in mate, it was the better thing to do, good luck to finding her a home
  5. Thanks mate, should be a good day if the weather holds out. See you tomorrow
  6. I have 200 in a gate net once , lol grabbed the net and they took me across the field those cheeky beggars
  7. Thanks for the replys guys Labsandlurchers: il bet at the next shoot tomorrow(3rd December) as i did all my homework and now my mum is letting me have a day off school
  8. Think youle find people do the same as you mate, or if something bit bigger that rabbits or squirrels, a shotgun should be in order or a .22
  9. Just wondering is anyone has this gun or tried it(or the bull barrel version) i would love to hear the good and bad point, thinking about saving for one, thanks
  10. Thanks ,which bull x are you breeding, was it the one that i had seen on saturday?
  11. Bull x in 8 weeks do you say il see if i can purswade my mum
  12. whippeter69


    Lastest fact: There are 3000,000 bicycle in beijing
  13. If you own one or have used one could you let me know are they any good, how many shots do you get out of them fully charged, the range and accuracy and maybe a few pics, thanks guys
  14. Try the local fat fighters, they have some porkers in there!
  15. whippeter69


    Every polar bear is left handed
  16. whippeter69


    The average man thinks about sex avery 58 seconds and has 600 hours of sex in his life time
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