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Everything posted by whippeter69

  1. Really ? They only just gave a me a .22
  2. You can get a Style for £400 and a synthetic quad for £550, probably less in both cases if you push your luck. Anyway, look at it like this, when did you ever hear of anyone with a CZ saying they were going to chuck it in and upgrade to a Quad!? The choice is obviously yours but one thing I you can be sure of is the quad will be no more accurate than the CZ! ATB!! THATS exactly whats holding me back matey. I just cant decide. Got plenty of time any way. Until the license comes through anyway.
  3. Process is going very well. had the interview and land check and its all kosher, just got to wait till ym FAC comes through the post. Im just deciding now, i do like the QUAD but the STYLE is nice
  4. Right guys in a bit of a dilemma. Ever since applied for a .22 i always had my eye on the CZ 452 STYLE .22 but today at work i held a Synthetic Sako Quad and bloody hell it was nice. The bolt was a dream and everything felt amazing on it. But i dont see many SAKO QUADs in .22 on here, what are they like and what would you for? The QUAD is £599 and the CZ STYLE is £450 So only £150 more for the QUAD, but what, if you where going to buy one, would you get ? Thanks
  5. ONE WEEK It took more time for me police for to ARRANGE an interview, let along grant a FAC Well done matey, you'le have some fun with them .
  6. I f*****g hope not, or the blokes bought the wrong gun
  7. Sorry if im being a PITA but im just looking for a bit of info on what is the best .22 subsonic round do you find is best in you're CZ 452 STYLE ? Cheers guys.
  8. More Tales Of The Old Poachers Now SOLD
  9. Cheers lads, Il see how i get on with it.
  10. Just bought one on eBay for £5.99 in stead of paying the total cost of £18 on Midway UK . Look handy and holds a good amount of rounds. Anyone got one and what do you think of them ?
  11. Its my mates springer so i dont shoot that often with air guns. I put the leather sling on the fence post and the things in leaning on before i shoot just to protect to wood.
  12. Need a few more £££ towards my rifle and set up lads so got some lovely books for sale. Gamekeeping by David Hudson Really good condition, new they are £19.95 will sell for £10 plus £3 P&P More Tales Of The Old Poachers by John Humphereys Good condition, Really good book and some great stories and ways of the poacher £7.00 POSTED The Complete Encyclopedia Of Hunting Rifles And Shotguns Good condition and filled with colour pictures and info on many rifles and shotguns £15.00 POSTED PayPal ONLY No swap or Deal
  13. Its because the rabbit was left out in the rain to attract crows lol No its a new years ferel, i seen a few small ones
  14. Well after regaining my much loved permission that surrounds my house i went for a walk with my mates .22 Webley Stingray. Got there, had a word with the farmer and off i went. To the first field and theres a track that goes on the side of it, so i walked down there and then came to a corner and saw a rabbit about 50 yards i guessed on the track. So i lent against the post and put his head between the 2-3 mill dot and one mill dot to the left for allowance of wind and pulled the trigger. The all i see is him jump forward and i thought id missed. Walked down to see that the pellet had struc
  15. Iv sold many things i loved to get some extra money for decent kit. Now with over £700 im not going to be buying crap haha
  16. Iv been working hard and have stopped my self going out with my mates, saving the money. It will all pay off soon hopefully. Hope to see you're rifles up soon buddy
  17. Ferreting with shotguns and lamping with shotgun and soon rifle. Thats the way we get the best numbers But if the area is too sensitive for shotguns we use long nets and purse nets and dogs. Dont get as good numbers but still get a few and its good fun.
  18. The FEO was checking my land i put forward for my FAC for a .22 and he has given the go ahead for both pieces. He said there was no problem at-all and my license shouldn't take long now, gave one of the farmers that had the land check my supervision letter from my mentor and the FEO picked that up so all i have to do now it WAIT... But for how long... god knows Cant wait till the FAC comes through tho, you will see some pics of hopefully a brand new CZ 452 STYLE Bushnell 3-9X50 Sak Mod Harris Bi-Pod and Butler Creek sling ( already got the Scope and sling) The waiting game beings
  19. Not on If you're going to shoot something make sure you kill it. :censored:
  20. Iv got one for sale matey Really good strong piece of kit and hold the nets/poles very well.
  21. I have the same problem with my .410 Parkemy S/S Hammer
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