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Everything posted by MOO

  1. The best deer dog I heard about was 3/4 deerhound and I have heard that size is a big factor in a decent deerdog .....Its a pity its all in the past I would of loved to have seen it .... I wonder when the my mate had a 23" whippet cross dropping the fallow buck single handed post will appear
  2. I have never seen a dog taken a deer its not my thing I will stick to rabbits ....everytime there is a deer thread the vast majority is nonsence total utter nonsence but UNFIT written some of the most sensible stuff ive read for a while
  3. The subaru story done us no favours
  4. MOO

    good morning

    Is that one of those flapping deeks in the pic if so do you rate them as im thinking of getting one
  5. Ive got a relative of your bitch out of Taz in my kennels at the moment ...what a noisy c@nt and his owner is a messer of the highest order ..whos been bum loved by darcy and winky
  6. cheers timjim like you say av nothing to prove to them as i know myself and thares lads on this site have seen my dogs working and am more than happy with them myself You fancy a days digging then as im not too far away from you ??????? and you can bring your lamping machine with you adn we can have a look out with the big dogs
  7. Why pay £350 for a reasonable working dog? It is probably this clown selling them http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...2&hl=poodle NO NEED JUST GREED
  8. seems your always talking when you should be listening
  9. funny question for your second post ..... Why do people sell bitches at a higher price than dogs ...I have asked this question before and havent had an answer
  11. imo if you dont know the law you shouldnae be out.... magine listening tae a copper, an then coming on thetinternet tae ask that question lol dotty doo ...That is the hole point in a site like this to ask for advice ....but I agree with HBG
  12. All totally within the act .over a site like this??Accidents happen when trail hunting keep to the gamebird protection legally dispatched . Hounds marking to ground ain't illigal,the digging of a gamebird killer isn't either.Crack on lads and more like this post please Thats not the point I am trying to make I fully know what the laws are regarding working dogs as I do terrier work for a registered pack ...and know plenty of terriermen and I dont know any of them that would put pics on this site for obvious reasons just my opinion lads
  13. Im not trying to spoil this thread but not many terrier & huntsman would want there s days work plastered all over a site like this
  14. 3 stags ,7 hares ,2 goats 1 shrew and a patridge in a pear tree ...nice roe kid keano
  15. Headed out tonight to have a look at the permission that the final will be run on I decided to run 2 of the fields out of the 13 ...1 is a grass park with cattle and the other a newly sowen rape field beside it and will be the last 2 fields of the night ......The action was non stop with a slip, retrieve and then straight onto another ....I stopped after only the start of the second field as Tig is not as fit as I thought he was although he has benn out most nights the past few weeks and ran for a few miles everyday but hes not been running much rabbits and you cant beat a good night and th
  16. everyone of they dogs will see more shows a year than digs Thanks
  17. Some people will say anything to make a few quid. Looks like an ugly little thing to me! Moo if it takes after the dam you better have some good earplugs, a roof on your kennel and a lot of patience! Good luck It is an ugly little thing ...just like the breeder ....How is that snitch Ali ????
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