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Everything posted by MOO

  1. Wasnt expecting this to appear above us when we were opening up on a 0.7
  2. MOO

    on tv now

    watching this as well ...
  3. Checked a few spots and managed a wee cheeky one that will save a few grouse
  4. There were not as much grouse as hoped but ive seen that before and keepers can be a bit pessimistic but im sure when a line of beaters go through the drives plenty will go over the butts .....each brace of grouse shot is worth £4000 to the value of an estate so every single bird is worth its wieght in gold . managed to put a grey hen up with her chicks which made my day but didnt get the camera up quick enough
  5. I didnt know where to put this thread as there was a bit of everything today lurcher & terrier work ,shooting and a bit of fishing so in this section it will go I got a call from a keeper friend the other week that he had seen a litter move in to some holes and would I come up and sort them out the estate has some stunning scenery but we walked the hill and checked some spots but the weather was against us and the low cloud (2000ft) ended our day prematurely. He phoned me again and asked if I would come up today as the weather was looking for a better day ....and we would check a few sp
  6. You can see the plummer blood in it
  7. A dead salmon was found yesterday on the Pert beat on the North Esk and estimations are it was over 7olb ...I would imagine there will be some pics to follow
  8. Fellman I am not haveing a go at you ...like I have already said I was in the understanding a pup was comeing up here then I was told it had a hernia so just assumed it would of been pts that was why I wasnt getting the pup . but then I find out on here that the pup wasnt pts
  9. so what is an achievment in your eyes
  11. MOO

    You've changed Benji boy

  12. Vduben you are just as big a messer as that c@nt...you just need to got through all your posts to see that
  13. I was told I was getting a pup then about a month after they were born was told by WILF it had developed a hernia so just assumed it had been pts...but looks like I assumed wrong
  14. my mate keeps one ...good for foxs but to hard eh?????????
  15. Some of these will be out of WILFs dog as I hear he has been puting it over loads of choc bitches
  16. Ive only seen one and saw this dog do plenty ....it had it all ...and new how do deal with its quarry and made it look easy ... I honestly say that the dog had the potential to be as good as my bitch at the time if in the right hands .....it just wasnt worked by the right person
  17. I was offered one but it developed a hernia so I imagine it was pts ...all the best with your pups mate I hear there parents were decent animals
  18. cant make a silk a silk purse out of a sows ear ,or polish a turd mate . i am only as good as the dogs that are given to me these are bred right so its up to them ...................yis fellman Are you working both of them Fellman? i will be yes mate no pot lickers here if i have anything to do with it Is one of them the one that was suposed to come up here ?
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