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Everything posted by MOO

  1. what a night in singapore ....heading over to vietnam next week ...then onto thialand ....and they call this work ...its no easy

    1. Simoman


      The ladyboys will be rubbinh their hands together

    2. MOO


      you know your in for a good night when you go to bank and I say to the lad that stays here "how much will I take out ?" ......a thousand bucks he says ...what a night i dont know whats sorer my cock or my liver

    3. WILF


      Or ya batty hole......you know them chinkys, they do love a well aged scotch ! Pmsl

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  2. A good start in any you animal makes all the differance and I know the pup looks stronger in the pic but I wouldnt be surprised if there is some physical or mental damage due to the pups poor start ....put it this way that pup will not be the animal it would of been if it had been brought on properly from the start . heres a bitch pup at under 4 weeks im getting sent over from Eire next week bold and strong the way they should be
  3. look you messer if i needed a dog to cover a bitch I have access to some proper stuff and it wouldnt cost me a penny and it wouldnt cost the lads anything for the pups . I have this lad in my yard who has probably done more graft in one dig than that potlicker of yours has done in its whole life and I still wouldnt advertise him on here for stud at £....so f@k off with your granny russel and away and chase some rabbits you c@nt
  4. this joker pm me asking for £ for useing his dog to stud ...dream on fannyboy
  5. red aint been to bed i still in lamp mode your season just starting
  6. how much if I wanted to use him over a bitch ?
  7. make sure that bitch gets a good home and doesnt get turned into a breeding machine ...atb wiith finding her a good home
  8. you are the one posting shite lad borzios in this country have no place in the lurcher world tolerate that if you want
  9. I got a treble box the other week ...crakin job you wont be disapointed
  10. Really?............was that in that copy of " Playgirl" ? watch what your saying we might get accused of grooming him again
  11. One thing I have tought you over the years is dont bullshit as the dog world is a small place and you will be found out so dont try and make a c@nt out of me ...you craic on with your bitch and dont make her out to be something she is what she is and like I have said I could of said a lot of things about her on your thread but kept that to myself ....no doubt you will be mincing about the shows this summer and im sure a few lads will be able to make there own mind about you ...lets just say you wont be disapointed papperdale
  12. at least im not ginger
  13. fella jim and jimb are in lower case and have the same name has anyone seen them in the sane room together?
  14. Has that got you thinking lab ?I bet youve never seen MOO Jim B and WILF in the same room together
  15. Wilf wishes he was me jim stop being a c@nt
  16. Fella Jim we are not the same person you have actually met wilf ............................................. Fella Jim you have seen tigger graft for years and seen him knock over hundreds of gear and pull of some prety spectacular slips so it just shows you what a prik you are slagging a dog of that caliber the night in question at the back end when mr charlie is full of testoserone and they are a bit frisky to say the least it was the last slip of the night .......Tigger was sent out to retrieve at over 200 yards accross a stubble over a dry stone dyke then over some heavy plough eventua
  17. you are a fukin plummer owner ...just as bad as a nonce imo And your a fecking bell end writing that,not imo,fact!. Please accept by humblest apologies I went a bit ott and I did not mean what I said sorry .....your a plummer owner the nonce of the working terrier world
  18. you are a fukin plummer owner ...just as bad as a nonce imo
  19. fella jim stop looking at my profile you clueless c@nt

  20. There were some decent sized fish last season although the grilse were small and not in big numbers I use all differant types fo flys depending on lots of facters but I tie them all myself
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