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Everything posted by MOO

  1. That will give the geordie fanny boy time to borrow a red lakey from someone
  2. pine martin is also very simular Could be, bottom set of teeth especially are very similar. But we are talking the same family here. Could it be a big male Pine Marten. ? ive seen some very big pine martins Ive only ever seen one. There is none about here but my neighbour said he had seen one at the bottom of the road. I thought "bollocks" but a while later i saw it. The dog saw it as well and went after it but it was only metres away from the wood. I looked for ages for it but no chance of seeing it. God knows where it came from, i can only guess someone dumped it..? i
  3. pine martin is also very simular Could be, bottom set of teeth especially are very similar. But we are talking the same family here. Could it be a big male Pine Marten. ? ive seen some very big pine martins Ive only ever seen one. There is none about here but my neighbour said he had seen one at the bottom of the road. I thought "bollocks" but a while later i saw it. The dog saw it as well and went after it but it was only metres away from the wood. I looked for ages for it but no chance of seeing it. God knows where it came from, i can only guess someone dumped it..? i
  4. How big are the mink around your way fella???????????...there is no rocket science when trapping mink just byt there curious and predatory nature they are easy caught a sqirrel or rat cage trap with the front end of a rabbit as bait why use a mink raft they are only to tellyou if mink are in the area and he already knows that
  5. Jeezo I thought I would of got a bite or 2 of that post ...I have to agree with most ...I dont hate any cross ...all have there uses...
  6. MOO


    Cammo Man, have you put weight on? Cammo man you have previous for the ribbon ...heres a pic for proof.....this pic was pre gastric band op
  7. bull crosses.... no wind ,bad feet ,too slow all the attributes you need in a decent running dog
  8. this trap was tuck away out of site in some bails there was no way it saw it
  9. the thing is there are no magpies in our area ...I knew this one was going about as I shot its mate last week the trap was well hidden amongst some bails ...maybe it smelled the bait
  10. I caught this cheeky f@ker in a cage trap today thats a first
  11. MOO


    I might do ..im going to pop over to the kennels this weekend and see the messer now that hes settled in ...i was over at his old place on wed to meet his replacement ...he seems a sound lad and has a pack of mink hounds up with him so hes just waiting to get the insureance sorted and wecan get craicing with them ..ive got him plenty of water for him to go at .something to do on a sunday
  12. I guarentee you wont be selling them for £3.10 each ....we are bitting our first batch of 5000 tomorrow only 135000 to go
  13. And sometimes its not as easy as just dispatching in the dig and it is far safer to remove the fox and dipatch it
  14. MOO


    You are right redcharge you show me 1 post where ive bragged about my dogs ...catcher what scumbags are you on about ?....Aye big fella when are you heading back to the land of a thousand smiles as thats me working over there all the time now
  15. MOO


    Very bully looking ! Lol lol That black muzzle comes from the great dane blood
  16. MOO


    He looks like he will make similar stamp to Tigger ...get a fukin decent collar for him min ....they got all summer to thrive and then the fun begins ...im sitting getting hammered in KLM business lounge in singapore ..this is the way to roll I get back to gods country tomoro and will get some pics up of tha bitch of mine she wont be far behind that ginger lad of your s
  17. catcher shut you pc down ...and continue drinking your buckie and watch the old firm game....talking sence and alchol dont mix ....you jut need to read 90% of you posts on here to realise that
  18. MOO


    love that picture Moo... you,ve got everything a man could possibly need in the back of that truck..what a pack ! they are certainly all worth feeding vin and the wife needs to take some credit for deeling with them when im away she always keeps them in good knick but the lab is more work than them all put together she is a dirty bastrd in the kennel and in the truck Ive got this wee 8 week old bundle of trouble and another terrier pup comeing in a few montths ...infact it will be out of the choc bitch on the front page of THL and another members dog on here ...they will keep me busy
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