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Everything posted by SeanTheHawker

  1. great to see such a well bonded cast, my bird wouldnt be that steady lol
  2. Headed out this morning with my mate malcolm. rolf weighed in at 1lb 5.6 and Malcolm’s bird, cal, weighed in at 1lb 5.25 so was to be a good day. we arrived very early, and was a nice frosty morning. took rolf out first, first set was empty, then we crossed into a field where a hedgerow had recently been cut down, first set was empty, the second wasn’t. within a few minutes a rabbit bolted into the wind heading for a gate at the bottom of the field. rolf clipped it as it got under the gate, but wasnt fast enough getting back on to terms with it. as I was walking back to the set another rab
  3. what do you guys make of the blaserlite? as good as the striker? is it easyer on the battery too? sorry to hijack your trhead mate
  4. travel 65 miles each way for em mate, 4 or 5 times a week
  5. climate change will make a winters colder...... summers like spain, winters like canada this is just a mild winter this
  6. headed out last night, rolf weighed in at 1lb 6.4! an ounce overweight. to make things worse, it was a full moon and no cloud cover at all. in every field we were only get 1 flight or so. all all were really lost distance slips, rabbits wouldnt sit at all. it had gotton to about 12 oclock, and we had done the whole farm, with maybe only a dozen flights, and hit 1 or 2. luckily we had permission on the neighbourign farm, tho never really hutned it before, headed up annyway, and we were getting fields with 3s and 4s, then fields with none. wecame to a small cliff like thing, and was walking alon
  7. got to the groudn at 10:30. was just off a full moon, andlittle cloud. not ideal, but bettign than sitting in lol. got into first field, hada little scan, there he was! a rabbit with weird collar like markings. rolf was soon off, the rabbit headed uphill ran into a bit of dense cover, i could hardly see his eyes, but rolf dove it, and heard it. when i got there he had one foot to the head, and one to the front leg. took him up it hunted on. next feild produces 2 long slips, rolf hadnt a chance. then the next fieldprduceda rabbit alogn a ditch, slipped rolf, and the rabbit ran along, then waite
  8. got a nice rabbit last night with unusual markings. wanan keep the skin, but what is the best way to to it? i tried it once with salt rubbed it, but it eventual turns out like a pigs eag, quite litrally, all shivered up and tough plasticy feeling. thanks sean
  9. iuse to clulite set up, and works really good, comign to the end of my first season with it, outa few nights a week, battereditof gates and allsort, and works fine, never had the woring go either. love the way it is jackplug and not those shitty cigareete thingys. my mate who goes out with me used a striker, its a great beam, but i rarely use it cos you never know where it cuts out.
  10. thought it was always a myth with cattle and calfs, usually avoided just incase tho, but got chased by about half a dozen cows and 2 calfs on friday night, wasnt even 100 yards to them, tho never bother with sheep at all. and no permission where horses are kept
  11. why is there so much studs in them mate? is it needed?
  12. same, never seen any, if i did, id hunt from the fist, simple as lol
  13. game dogs/hawkaholic/bull&terrieor, or whatever else you call yourself now, why do you still come on here just to wind people up after being banned umpteen times.
  14. cant beat a nice pint of magners/bulmers with ice
  15. nice read and pics mate nice read and pics mate
  16. ive seen pics of the land you fly on lol!
  17. fletcher, alot may disagree here, btu id stay the best way to get a bird very very fit is through lamping. you could get 50 flights a nightm if [bANNED TEXT] stayed out that long, all flights are from fist, and alot of twist and turns. id say a bird flown daily at night would be probually twice as fit as one flown daily in the day
  18. usually head at 9, be hunting for 10:30 tho will be later soon
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