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Everything posted by SeanTheHawker

  1. your right mate most do, ive sent otu abotu 20 of these letters and out of it ive gotton 7 farms, 2 of which has enough rabbits to keep me going all season . for the sake of 40 stamps its well worth it. youve nothing to loose except the price of a few pints. its what it would cost you in petrol anyway going door to door some day.
  2. whippet boy, try and get permission first before and as a last resort you can always sneak onto land, but if your caught all the locals farmers will soon find out and it will defintly mean no permission for the future. heres a template i use, i sent it round to farmers where theres large rabbit populations and ive got some of the best land due to it. you will have to change it a little to suit you and your dog, but it iwll give you the rough idea. get the adresses from www.yell.com just look for farms in your area and you will get tons. . . . . Dear xxxxxxxxxx I am primarily writing
  3. my albinos are also a little blonde, both castrated, doesnt mean anything is the matter tho mate, its just there colour
  4. then you better get it of that, why not use 2 bow perches? and cover the inside of it so the bird cant go under it and get snaged. that log looks dodgey mate
  5. ive a templete letter you can send to all the local farmers for permission, might be easyer. its hard to catch em at home anyway, will upload letter later,at work atm
  6. both perchs look dodgey, and i wouldnt use that rope, i little dampness and SNAP
  7. similar but tut instead if whistle
  8. it was a tiny red bubble, but it hasnt went back to red. he is castrated, not vecestomided
  9. ill be takign him in the morning if it goes red again, but what i was thinking was its just an erection? i know hes castrated but could this be possible
  10. my hobs is has been castrated now for a good few months, but tonight i noticed his penis, was liek a wee red bubble. worried i went to get the camera to show u guys to see what you think is the matter, but when i got back it was back to white. anything to worry about?
  11. SeanTheHawker


    Three men are sitting in the maternity ward of a hospital waiting for the imminent birth of their respective children. One's an Englishman, one a Scotsman and the other a Jamaican. They are all very nervous and pacing the floor. > > All of a sudden the doctor bursts through the double doors saying "Gentlemen you won't believe this but your wives have all had their babies within 5 minutes of each other." The men are beside themselves with happiness and joy. "And", said the doctor, "They have all had little boys." The fathers are ecstatic and congratulate each other ove
  12. only odd thing was a fox, and to make things even stranger, my mates bird, that flies at 2lb 3 oz was in hot pursuit of it
  13. falcon fabrications do the best boxes a little pricey. but will last you all your hunting life. nice and light, and easy to clean
  14. let them on the lawn when young, or else the first set they see, they will just arse about in the grass as thed have never seen it before, and as youve been told, handle handle handle
  15. the foldable oens are shite, bend to easy when weigh it put on it. ok for sand dunes i guess, but id rather buy a proper spade. there almost the same price too.
  16. above 4 or 5 ft, ferret trapped itself in a concrete pipe, which didnt help either. it was an overnight job lol
  17. liners will do nothing but spoil your sets if you wanna go ferreting, get a locater. would you go shooting without a gun?
  18. flicking em will just make em hand shy if you handle em often they will stop nipping, they just do it as there curious. if they bite in 3 months, then maybe use this, but for now there not biter, just kits
  19. ive only used a mark1 8ft, never found a problem with it yet, great accuracy and great battery life. deben was just being greedy i think making these new ones. if it aint broke, dont fix it
  20. the harris is a bird for beginners and experts alike, there the ideal bird to start with, why i have one lol, but are a very good hunter too. very easy going unlike some. get a couple of seasons out with someone with alrdy a bird and you will then have enough experience to train and hunt one
  21. the english have always been racists to the irish, 800 years of murder,rape, starvation and torture............. thought things had changed, maybe not
  22. rolf, the male harris so far i have only flown him at rabbits, but would be capable of taking rabbit, pheasent and duck. can also catch birds like rooks and crows by ambushing. few pics
  23. take both, but always end up just using the hob, bolts em out alot faster, while they sometimes give the jill the run around. he does kill every now and again, but kills and moves on usually
  24. ud be better of asking the vet that
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