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Everything posted by SeanTheHawker

  1. got one a fortnight ago, half its face was bald! no mixy, think a stoat had it
  2. Out early this morning hoping to get rolf a few rabbits and get a friends bird enetered. rolf weighed in at 1lb 6.5oz, we got to the farm about 11 oclock and headed out with my mates bird first, didnt see much, one rabbit bolted but went back in again, the bird went upto a tree and we struggled to get him back, so we headed back to the car and put him in the box, took up rolf and headed off again. first set. rolf had a crackign flight at a rabbit hit it and got a bit of a tumble, before it oulled itself of to get down a hole. next set we done a rabbit ran about 10 yards out in the feild, rolf
  3. loveley pics mate, hows he coming on?
  4. the fields i hunt arent very big, usually about the size of a football pitch each. just dont lamp near trees and the rabbitswhere i hutn will run into a hedgrow rather than through wire, usually they will run around without leaving the field for a bit on the lamp. for recall i just shine to lamp on my fist with a titbitand he comes, but it can be scary and your usually coming him downwind and he can easily overshoot on a bad night lol
  5. great pics setts like that make me so bloody jealous
  6. frank have you no huntign permission near the hatercy, 70 odd miles aint much, i travel that 4 or 5 times i week for hunting, when need be, i call into the hathery on the way home free of cost, but can get them from a local reptile shop for 10p each, which is still very very deer
  7. cluson, ask for seconds. no problem with them
  8. screwfix does those trousers, can easily take the pads out for when your washing the trousers. think they were about 30 quid
  9. to lamp game at night is illegal mate, and flights at birds at night would scare teh shit out of me, could go on for a long distance. could loose a bird?
  10. been out a 2 times on the lamp since i last posted some pics, but im afraid he hasnt caught any, tho he must have got kicked of at least half a dozen, very hard for him to get a head hold. anyway........ Rolf weighed in at 1lb 6.1oz so headed out to the hunting grounds. the forecast said there would be thick clouds cover over, but they didnt come, and it was a full moon, so i could see the silohette of teh hedges 2 or 3 fields away :S. to make things worse there was very little wind. took rolf out of the can and headed into the first field, seen one rabbit hugging a hedgerow about 150 yard
  11. ohh then it mustnt been an absess lol, ill clean teh hutch out today, cleaned it out well on staurday there too. ferret seems fine worked well over the weekend, so it doesnt seem to affect him. will take pics later
  12. out today and a mate said they where just abbsesses , what would be the best way to clean it
  13. out with a mate today who had one, had to bring the instructions with him lol, messy little thing, so guys whos ferrets were used instead lol. i like the pop idea tho, and the fact that you dont need to set aside the batterys and tape them up and things,
  14. can anyone recommend any good lamping books, and where i could mind them. cheers sean
  15. just know they they are little buggers that suck the skin of other animals, lick ticks, never seen them myself, but have heard of what they do, and have seen teh a few horse flies round the hutches, sticky paper aint worked for shit lol.
  16. seemed ok today, bolting rabbits no problem, do you think it could be flat flies?
  17. on tuesday i noticed on my hobs back that there was lots of blothces of dried in blood, doesnt look bad from a distance, but when handlign you can see it under the fur. i know its not ticks because i sprayed him with frontline, and i can see any anyhow, and i dont think hes been fighting as hes a hob and the other 2 are jills, one they do squabble a little over a bit of meat(well fed fat ferrets too lol). so the only thing i can put it down to is a rabbit kicking him backended in a hole. but its on his back. the cuts havent opened in the past few days, and if they do i will see the vet, just w
  18. Out again last night, was very very dark and a light drizzle was just ending as i arrived at the farm. headed into the first field, only had oen fligth out of that which to be honest, rolf should have had, but he was just blocking the beam to much. continued on down into the next field, spotted a rabbit well out, so put the beam beside it, so i could just see it in the corner of the light, but not actually spooking it to much, walkd up to about 30 yards to it and it bolted, put the beam on it and was was away, made it for it about 3 times but nto connectiong, then eventually he managed to grab
  19. with a fish that size, ud think he would smile lmao
  20. cheers mate, the fields over here are nowhere near the size over there tho, at least the ones i seen at shropshire lol. all little 2 acre fields or so, and i drive a zafira, which is dead heavy and with only front wheel drive id get stuck in a field at 2am in the morning lol
  21. been waiting a few weeks now for the perfect night to get rolf entered on the lamp, and no was no moon to be had last night, with a strong wind. last year i tried rolf at the end of teh season, but it was in the snow, and was at rabbits that had gotton to smart to stay around lol. Weighed in at 1lb 6.1 oz Arrived at the hunting ground at about 12.15 and headed out. crossed a gate and had the first shine of the night, within 30 yards was a rabbit with a little white marking on its throat, rolf chased it immediatley, but backed off into a tree, the thing continied to run and he swooped f
  22. sorry to hear that mate, i would really consider getting onto the vet if there was no chance, was it the same vet you spoke to the last time?
  23. what did teh vet say, did she say he will need put down? has their been no positive change since goign to the vet?
  24. give it more than a second, if you think its got it, flip the balelarm over and let it run with it for a few seconds. then strike. may play with it for ages before he decided to move with it,
  25. 2 worms threading up the hook and onto the line by the head, and a worm threaded onto the hook the stop the other 2 slippign down, will look like a quid, tortted along the bottom, works wonders with salmon
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