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Everything posted by SeanTheHawker

  1. Anyone seen this new series? seen it for the first time last night, one of the best shows on the tele at the moment. next week there taking some fast food junkies shooting .
  2. usually half eleven onwards, i got permsision, but the rabbits always seem further out the later you go. then get up for work this next morning lol
  3. out again last night, full moin, but some cloud which darkened it down a little , and a drizzling of rain. Managed about a dozen flights, of which half he managed to hit, but only held one it was a squatter too, but shifted when we got about 15 feet from it, good chase of about 30 yards just about the go over a bump in the hill, when rolf nailed it. didnt have a good hold of it, but managed to get it under control by the time i got to him. his 12th rabbit on the lamp now really enjoying it
  4. do you ver manage to flush anything out to him? that was the first reasonable flushed to him, he has seen some maybe 100 or 200 yards from me, but slightly self hunted, always flush at wrong time lol.
  5. SeanTheHawker


    last week had rolf up really high and steady as a bullet,untill he seen a rabbit in the far distance and didnt manage to bring teh camera lol, but today i did. and he got up again today, nowhere near as high as last week, but didnt have to worry about him goign off at that hight. as soon as we put the ferret down he froze in the air waiting for the bolt. nothign much happening , so deciced to get the camera out, and what great timign eh? just as i turned out on 2 rabbits bolted, didnt get any, and a missed most of it due to the camera, but it was nice to see http://media.putfile.c
  6. so was i, thanks for saying hello lol
  7. well got this pic and this video(a few infact blended in lol) of him eating his warm meal, as you can see at the start and end, he didnt seem to wanna share it lol http://media.putfile.com/hawk-84
  8. well i did go out last night, i worked weekdays so its nto fair to fly the bird only on staurday and sunday, so i have to get out 2 or 3 times on the lamp a week, even if its only a few flights to the lure. anyway decided to take a chance for it. we had some brilliant flights, never lamped the place before, so that always helps. managed to catch one, and teh bird dragged it to a set, the bird anchored himself and i reached down to grab the rabbit attached to the bird, pulled the wrong feking leg and only got a the birds with a bit of fur. not good at all. hit a few more and then we decided to
  9. ive seen plenty on a moonlit lit night, its just the frost im worried about, if they will come out lol? i wont be using a dog, but put in this section and its got alot of guys who lamp the hawk watches the beam, and only go after whats on the beam paid, there eyesight at night isnt much better than ours
  10. tomorrow nights it will be approaching -5 where i will be hunting, is it still worth going out? or will the rabbits not waste their time eating their frozen veg :sick: thanks sean
  11. yup it is lol, weekend wouldnt have been as good a laff without him lol, some character. was a mentor in rolfs first season, helped me alot
  12. took a crow at teh start of the season, and a dickie bird lol, havent really had the chance to fly him at things other than rbabits, big money here if you wanna touch a pheasent lol
  13. flecth he took his 46 and 47th today thanks turk
  14. Friday 20th of oct Me and a few guys from the club went to a remote island of the west of Ireland that was overrun by rabbits, we arrived at about 6 pm and got some dinner, unpacked etet etc, and headed out lamping at about 8, early eh? There was 8 of us in all! Tho I got them staying back 30 yards, but they still made a hell of a noise, oen wasn’t off the fone lol. Went into a field directly behind the house, a rabbit was moving through a bunch of nettles and rolf was quick it to catch it. Not the best of flights, infact it was just really a drop from the fist lol. But it sureley got r
  15. you get abotu 3 hours lamping out of it. if you dont wanna buy it of him, get one for an extra tenner of cluson, ask for seconds, there like new anyway
  16. got on to cluson and told them the story, then he asked how long have i been charging, i said abotu 16 hours, like in the instructions, andf then told him ive yet to see the green light come on tho on the charger. well it turns out i was sent the wrong chrger lol, i was sent a PC charger that takes alot longer, so he is sending me a new oen out, and i can keep the PC as a spare good customer service if you ask me
  17. " of my albinos have recently got dark rings around their eyes, nothing like the mask on a polecast one, may sound stupid, but i honestly think it could be black eyes, any body ever heard of it?
  18. its a brand new battery lol
  19. hmmmmmmmm, cant complain about the beam, but the other night it done run out only after an hour or so lamping, which was a first? also teh charger has a green and red light, but ive yet to see the green light up im charging for about 15 hours and it says 12-14 on empty. you ever get the same problem?
  20. headed out last night, rolf weighed in at 1lb 6.3 oz, so not to bad, was looking good. as i crossed into the first field i seen there there was quite a few, got close to a few and had maybe 4 or 5 great flights, 2 of which he hit, but didnt hold. crossed into the next feild and noticed 2 fox cubs. rabbits didnt seem to bothered by them. then one of them started chasing a rabbit, but not at a high speed. the rabbit was heading towards us, and the fox puleld of. i couldnt resist it, i slipped rolf at the rabbit flushed by the fox lol! he got a good whack at it but again he didnt hold it. headed
  21. nope OS, never hunted round there myself, but i think i could guess who it was.
  22. now you tell me eggy lol, in fairness tho, i done the set 3 weeks before, and the ferret took its time down there
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