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Everything posted by jonher

  1. Thanks for the reply dig2dogs, I am aware of John Robbo and regularly watch his vids on Youtube. However, I was hoping to get something a little closer to home, no luck so far but we'll see what comes up! Thanks again mate. Jonathan
  2. Hi all, I plan on making a lot more trips back home in the coming year as these cheap Ryanair flights have started up from Oslo, Rygge to Newcastle airport. I was wondering if there is anyone offering stalking within the Co. Durham / Northumberland / Tyne & Wear area? Ryanair will not allow firearms so an estate rifle would be required! Any pointers would be a big help Thank you Jonathan
  3. Well your OAL is what the VV manual suggests, so I guess as long as the brass has been resized properly in the neck, OAL is not the issue. So next steps are to try increasing the load slightly to see if this works and also to check the primer seat to see if it has been stretched to the point where it's not holding the primers securely enough! Let us know how you get on? Jonathan
  4. AzMaN, Using primers to determine high pressure is not accurate, primers of different brands react differently at varying loads, so therefore they are not a clear indicator of high pressure! An indicator of high pressure is when the bolt handle becomes difficult to lift up when extracting the fired case. Remember safety first work from the lowest and gradually up in small steps, when the bolt handle becomes stiff you've gone too far so back off on the load! 44 grains N160 for a 123 grain is not the highest listed in the VV reloading manual, as Snapshot mentioned, check when your re
  5. AzMaN, I had the same problem with my 6.5x55 using N160 and found it was due to low pressure, I have experieced it in three different ways: 1) When working on a new load the cases on the lower charges were coming out covered in soot right back to the bolt face, this stopped as the powder loads increased. 2) When experimenting with OAL I also had the same issue, rounds loaded too long/ bullets not seated deep enough had cases covered in soot, this also stopped as the seating depth was increased. 3) Colder temperatures create lower pressures, I worked up an ideal load during the
  6. Chokes alter the pattern of the shot when it leaves the barrel, for example a tighter choke keeps the shot closer together and has a longer effective killing range. FULL choke being the tightest and cylinder (CYL) being the most open / widest. Here is a link to a diagram which may clear up things for you: http://www.hunter-ed.com/images/pdfs/ammo_pattern_spread.pdf Shooting steel and lead through the same choke will produce a different pattern. Steel holds a tighter pattern than lead when fired so basically the chokes are telling you the effect that the steel will have compared to lead
  7. I wish it were that easy John I've got the all the guns and equipment, but it's finding the land and the people thats the hard part! Just wish a knew a farmer or two! I've been invited to join a moose hunting team next year, so hopefully that will open a door or two and I'll make some good contacts Then we might be able to arrange some trips over for you UK'ers. I know a few Norwegians who would love to bag a Munty, they're goetting bored of roe, red, fallow and moose! :11:
  8. Would be grateful if somebody could point me in the direction of a good field dress video? Or.....perhaps even make one and post it on Youtube for us all to learn?
  9. No offence taken, I am indeed a beginner and the last thing I want to do is overwhelme my brain before I understand the basics Thanks for the help and the link. Happy hunting. Jonathan|
  10. Thanks John Where can I get Quickload from in the UK and how much?
  11. John Thank you sooo much, I'm deffo gonna buy quickoad! Is there any chance you can check the following for me? OAL - 76mm / 3 iches The primers were CCI 200LR Cases were Lapua Regards Jonathan
  12. Hi all, I'm new to reloading and I'm having some trouble getting my head round a few things, so any help advice would be greatly appreciated. For the record I'm shooting a Tikka T3 Varmint SS in 6.5x55, I would like to make a hunting load using the following: Lapua Mega 156 grain VV N160 I have looked in the VV manual for a load, but they dont have one for N160 and the Mega. Can I use the data shown in the VV manual for the 155 grain Sierra HPBT, or is this a no-no due to the Mega having a flat base? Also the OAL, the Sierra HPBT is 79mm and the Lapua is 73mm shown in
  13. Thanks for the replies I'll pass the info on to my brother. Those Deben lamps look as if they run from the cigarette lighter in a vehicle, can you attach them to a battery for walking freely in the fields?
  14. Hi, My brother is after a lamp to be used for night shooting rabbits and foxes and wants to spend no more than £100. Does anyone have any experience/recommendations? Is it advisable to get one which can be attached to the rifle? pro's / con's!?! Thanks Jonathan
  15. Thanks everyone, I'll let you know how I got on when I return. Regards Jonathan
  16. Thanks for the reply, Just got to try and hit the bloody birds now Regards Jonathan
  17. hi, Sorry I forgot to include that it's a 12 / 76. I read somewhere on the internet that for magnum cartridges the gun has to have been proofed/suitable for them, this is what confused me! So basicall what your saying is if it has 12 / 76 you can shoot any power of cartridge that will fit ?
  18. Hi, I have the chance to go geese hunting with my Baikal IZH 27 EM 1C O/U 12guage I received a box of Eley Alphamax Magnum 76mm 46gram No. 3 from a friend and was wondering, is this gun proofed to shoot this type of cartridge? I leave tomorrow so i need to know whether I need to buy some other ammunition or not Appreciate any help Jonathan
  19. I recently got a Nikon Monarch 800 from the US and I'm very happy with it it cost $200 off that auction site It's the only range finder I've owned so I'm no expert, but the other night I was testing it off the balcony and my best reading was 925 meters, though this was from the window of a house which is a highly reflective surface and it took several attempts to get a reading, mainly due to my hand shaking, but still I was impressed I was ranging the neighbours plantpots, garden gnomes and other random garden stuff easily at 200-300 meters and was getting an instant reading and
  20. Woolly, As a novice reloader myself with the Lee Anniversary Kit, I would recommend you invest in some digital scales instead of the balance beam style that comes with the kit and also a set of digital calipers to measure the length of the cases and the length of the completed round. I would also recommend purchasing the Lee shell holder attachement so you can hold the cases in an electric drill, this when used with the necessary length guage for your caliber makes trimming the brass, de-burring and polishing with fine wire wool easy and all can be done without removing the brass from
  21. I use VV N160 powder Lapua or Norma cases CCI #200 Large Rifle Primers Lapua Mega 155grain The lapua Mega is used over here on large birds, roe deer, red deer, reindeer and moose so it's a pretty decent allround hunting bullet! All the best. J
  22. Elvolcan, I haven't had the chance to fit mine yet, but first impression are that the optics are clear There's some good reviews on the midwayUSA website and they talk highly of the scope on rimefirecentral.com Hope that helps. J
  23. Check out this thread: Click here Regards Jonathan
  24. Lapua Mega 10.1g/155grn great for roe, red and reasonably priced also very popular for moose in Scandinavia
  25. sorry duplicated the reply! now deleted!
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