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Everything posted by dogmandont

  1. Is a million dead Ukrainians your idea of a stern defence.
  2. Yes the UK was right in getting involved in WW2 when they did but if you're comparing todays Russia to the Germans of 1938 you're a bigger balloon than I thought you were.
  3. Are you comparing Nazi Germany to todays Russia?
  4. So thats a yes then you want British forces in Ukraine.
  5. Would you be happy to see British forces on the ground in Ukraine?
  6. When are you leaving for Ukraine goly, you're very passionate about this war why don't you go do your bit.
  7. f**k spending money on labels, load of grown men getting caught up in advertising bullshit for teenagers is just pathetic.
  8. Was overcast here last night, the lad was in and out every 5 minutes trying to get a glimpse of the planets.
  9. Turns a 25 minute climb into a 5 minute climb. Lol. You like your bikes Sean and had a few MTBs if you ever get the opportunity to have a day on decent trails on an ebike give it a lash can even tow the kids up. Lol.
  10. It's only cheating if your against the clock. Lol. The place we were today I'd usually get 6 runs done top to bottom we done 18 today before the legs started to give up and it was from standing going down. Definitely a game changer and it does feel a bit like cheating but I'm loving it. Lol.
  11. That's actually a pretty comfy seat lol. I had to change to that one from the original that came on it because the fit was brutal, bicycle seats are funny because sometimes the less padding the more comfortable they are.
  12. This was my office today, absolutely love this MTBing malarkey. If any lads were into motox or just messing around on dirtbikes when younger you should give this a go.
  13. You haven't read much Irish history have you. Why would the yanks put that much effort into Ukraine when they get what they wanted from the beginning by just negotiating with Putin. And while we're at it why hasn't the rest of Europe told trump to go fcuk himself there'll be no negotiations and pushed their own forces into Ukraine.
  14. How would trump send them packing, explain exactly how he'd go about that without a huge loss of life on both sides?
  15. I live in a part of Ireland that was partitioned from the rest by a tyrant so i can speak on the matter with first hand experience, I also understand how these things work and the world isn't fair and the man with the biggest stick rules the roost and there's f**k all you can do about it. You can throw as many hissy fits as you want but it won't change the fact that Ukraine and it's resources will get split up between the west and Russia because Putin wasn't going to let the west have it all for themselves.
  16. You honestly don't have a clue how the world works or you do but the fact you have ties to Eastern Europe is the reason you get all emotional on the matter, your a bright fella but fcuk me use your noggin, Europe doesn't give a fcuk about it's own people never mind the Ukrainians, there only involved for their own gains, a deaf Steve Wonder would understand that.
  17. The EU and the biden administration wanted the same thing as trump they were just prepared for a much higher human cost.
  18. Correct. One smells of perfume the other of smegma.
  19. And here's you calling us thick and you can't spell BEING , see I told you the UK was slipping and ass punchers like yourself are at fault. Billy Hill more like Benny Hill. .
  20. And the next 25 will be same and the 25 after that, the resolve that the men of the past had is gone and you're left with cum swallowers like yourself.
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