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About RealRob

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  • Birthday 16/06/1968

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  1. Don't know Terry Robb in person, but here he's called Terry Robber. Stuff thats been payed for doesnt seem to arrive. That's hearsay tho. I guess as long as you pick up the kit at his shop there's nothing that can go wrong. RR
  2. Shot placement is key. I have shot rabbits at that range with a lowly Slavia 630 (5 ft/Lb in .177) and RWS hobby wadcutters (wadcutters can be extremely accurate in the right gun). Shoot em between eye and ear and they won't know what hit them. Now for heart lung shots, thats a different story, get as much power ass possible (as close to FAC as you can get) and a pellet that penetrates (domed). RR
  3. because it may not fit. It's not only the length of the mainspring but also the type of steel, thickness of the coils that make the difference. RR
  4. Here's one in the UK. http://www.airgunbuyer.com/Showproducts.as...20Tuning%20Kits
  5. I can only imagine how you must have felt. Glad you got them back ! RR
  6. Hey Steve, just google for Venom and mainspring. Or Maccari and said mainspring. Good luck, RR
  7. I used to have a terrier called "Foggy". Great dog, got run over by a car. Still miss that animal after more then 20 years. RR
  8. Hi to all, What a very nice forum this is, wow. Let me introduce myself: I'm a Dutch 40 year old male, and have been into field sports as long as I can remember. I am married and have two wonderfull kids (who unfortunatly rather watch TV then spend time outdoors). Since hunting in the Netherlands is very difficult because our country is so crowded it's most pest control I do here. I use snares, traps and aiguns. Hunting bigger game is mostly done in eastern Europe, where rules are (still) very relaxed. Take care and good hunting, Rob
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