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Everything posted by hw97

  1. hw97

    looking for

    what did you end up buying mate if ya dont mind me asking like?
  2. nice job uve done mate what will you be useing it for plinking?
  3. great read that mate an some good shots 2 keep it up do you eat them tree rats?
  4. nice gettin out on the crisp mornings im going 2 go an get some tree rats in the morning if my mate gets out of bed the lazy c**t haha need 2 sets of eyes for them there to fast threw the tree tops
  5. merry christmas and happy new year every 1 hope you all have a good years hunting next year
  6. hw97

    rat shooting

    Purely from a PC stand point... what baiting program are you going to consider with all that seed lying around?? it will be a differ team that does the baiting, I would think the feeders would be removed and external bait stations placed around the wall area. theres hoping they have read up on it lol. did you have any luck with the rats mate?
  7. nice shooting there mate ive just found myself a good squirrel spot i got 4 the other day but i havent got a camera 2 put the pics up on here i will try an get 1 for next time thow defo
  8. 10 ton clarke porta power ram for car body work and stuff £50 liverpool area pm if interested
  9. get yaself a real bushnell ive got a trophy an there great scopes they hold the zero v.well and are very clear when you look threw them and you get a lifetime warranty
  10. take the stock off nock the pins out that keep the trigger on an screw the back off bit tricky 2 get back on but u should manage
  11. i use breakfree oil great stuff attachment=61536:breakfree.jpg][ were do you buy that from celticwar?
  12. hw97


    sound spot on them think il get 1 of them at the start of next year
  13. hw97


    did you fit the kit yourself mate?
  14. haha decent i only live down the road from you in kirkby just thort i would ask were abour u were from
  15. were about in southport are u from chrissi?
  16. How much do you want to spend, and is it standard power or FAC? Rob.. Standard power, but would prefer if it could go fac at a later date. Looking to spend around £300. time lord has a nice lookin pistol i think there 1 of the best 1's you can get aswell ask him about his think its a sheridan (spelling ) or something
  17. makita angle grinder hammer drill circuler saw an digital heat gun an 110 box £ the lot pick up only liverpool area
  18. www.ginb.it they do some nice stocks duno the price's tho
  19. would any 1 be interested in swaping a chopard millie maglia watch for a hw90 or any gas ram rifle?
  20. hi any pics i will try and get some up later mate
  21. hw97

    hw97k help

    should be on the side of the barrel mate
  22. im selling my hw97k .22 mk3 like new with rws leather sling and swivels gun is mint no scope £200 any 1 interested give me a pm
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