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Everything posted by hw97

  1. two scuba diving tanks £50 each or the 2 for £ need testing
  2. two scuba diving tanks £50 each or the 2 for £ need testing
  3. that banned text is what

  4. [bANNED TEXT] gun av u got mate?? [bANNED TEXT] part ov liverpool r ye from mate???

  5. hw97

    hi friend do you still live in liverpool i go hunting fox's and rabbits an birds do you have a rifle?

  6. great rife mate accurate take down anythin you need thats legal like i use accupell in mine an h&n hollow points depends what im shooting
  7. ile belive that when i see it
  8. nice shooting mate looks like a class bit of woodland tha an good hide ya got goin there
  9. i used 2 blast horse flys off the bull reeds in the pond by mine
  10. hw97k or a hw77 mate or a prosport class springers
  11. no mate it hasnt been re xrayed yeno but if it can take a 44 magnum dont think a air rifle would even scratch it if your intrested ile send you some pics
  12. no mate it hasnt been re xrayed yeno but if it can take a 44 magnum dont think a air rifle would even scratch it if your intrested ile send you some pics
  13. is it an under or over vest? size? whats it rating number? its says level 3 A if thats the rating number mate
  14. is it an under or over vest? size? whats it rating number? under vest mate its an xl i duno about the rating number i will have a look for you mate if ur intrested il send you some pics if you want pm me your email address
  15. white vest bullet proof sez on the label will handle a shotgun and my mate shot me while i was wearing it with a 15 flb air rifle and i didnt even feel it £150 ovno plus post
  16. no 1 some bmw m3 wheels they need a refurb and tyre's £ for the 4 of them or jaguar x type alloys 4 pirreli p600 tyres on £150 pick up only merseyside area
  17. its a mutant nw280sp amp good condition £30 plus postage and fiesta 06 back lights both sides nearly barnd new £30 2 transit passenger wing mirrors £20 each plus post thanks for lookin all the best hw97
  18. no mate i would say a right pussy look at his posts what a gay prick half the people on this site are exactly like it said on his profile think you have all got the best and now everything there is 2 now and i did say half not all!
  19. doesn't lock wouldn't say its sharp but you can sharpen it up abit is that a flick knife mate if it is isit a spring loaded 1?
  20. i have that scope myself mate spot on best for the price i reckon look solid as a rock an are clear as day hold the zero very well
  21. go for the mill dot 1 mate a friend of mine has got 1 on his hw98 ad it for about 2 years nice and clear an he asnt had a problem with it yet good scopes
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