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Everything posted by bluebell

  1. A few pics of the Medieval Show in the Main Arena, i thought the horses and colours were brilliant...
  2. Will put them up soon dave, my internet is going very slow tonight...
  3. I have one pic but dogs werent standing that great, what colour was your dog and were you wearing a cap, its very hard to get pics of everyone...
  4. There was a good turn out of dogs, over entries in the racing...
  5. Just a few pics of the Racing & Showing, anyone else who has taken a few pics feel free to add them, we can never have enough pics, a BIG well done to all the winners and everyone who competed... No better pic to start with, Rio and Reilly meet there sister... Paris getting a hug from Rose... Racing Winners...
  6. Best In Show & Reserve... well done Dessie with Cuchulann Mick 18 mounths old Best Pup In Show...well done Nikki, Peter and John
  7. Master McGrath Qualifiers, Rose with Diego & Ian with Smokey...well done you two Liz with Cody 1st in The Whippet Racing... well done Liz Rio 1st in the Whippet Puppy Racing... The Coursing Darran 1st with his dog...well done Children And Parents And Autism...
  8. A big well done to everyone who took part in the digging
  9. The digging was a great success, well done to you all it was very hard work, poor Dessie did very well and he come across such a big stone, no problem to him what number were you Grafter...
  10. Had a brilliant day, wee Paris did really well, winning the simulated coursing, winning her heat and coming 3rd in the U23" racing...and Rio come 2nd in the puppy race, well done wee man and won the whippet pairs with his brother Reilly...
  11. Had a brilliant day at the Whippet Show, Rio come 1st in the puppy race and 1st in the members class, well done wee man...
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