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Everything posted by bluebell

  1. ye would'nt know with them 2.i've often being very nervous walking through fields with them at night time I did hear what Paddy said but im but going to repeat it...lol I dont blame ye ,you might get banned from this site....LOL LOL... you must know these 2 well...LOL...that Paddy one is full of divilment...LOL 2 WELL !! I would,nt trust either of them as far as a could throw Paddy....LOL Paddy would be a tough one to throw...LOL glad hes my friend...LOL
  2. ye would'nt know with them 2.i've often being very nervous walking through fields with them at night time I did hear what Paddy said but im but going to repeat it...lol I dont blame ye ,you might get banned from this site....LOL LOL... you must know these 2 well...LOL...that Paddy one is full of divilment...LOL
  3. ye would'nt know with them 2.i've often being very nervous walking through fields with them at night time I did hear what Paddy said but im but going to repeat it...lol
  4. Not sure what Paddy & Timmy are up to...lol The biggest poser at the shows...lol
  5. A few of us from the North were there, we were up at 6 and left at 8, it took two an half hours to get there, we did stop for a fry, never eat another bite the rest of the day.I had a very relaxing day, my own wee dog Paris won her 2 races, i only took a few pics at my own laser...
  6. The National Game and Country fair " All Ireland Lurcher, Terrier & Whippet Champion 2011". in the Main Arena... [
  7. The Lurcher Finals...Diego, Zola & Paris... Patsy messing about Overall...
  8. Enjoyed the day, even though it was cold and windy, the ground was the best i have ever seen as its on a golf course thank you John & Margaret for the lovely fry up on the way, it kept us going most of the day my treat next time well done to everyone who competed and well done to all the winners Overall Lurcher Racing Winner Rose With Diego... Puppy Lurcher Racing Rose 1st with Luna & 2nd with Skylar... Puppy Whippet Racing Fiona... Whippet Racing Winner David...
  9. Looking forward to it have everything ready for a early start in the morning see you all tomorrow
  10. For Tango & Tullyeyed... sorry guys couldn't resist :tongue 2:
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