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Everything posted by digdigger

  1. You wanna see some good hunting pictures try http://www.sarahfarnsworth.co.uk/
  2. That old Nag doesnt look like it has a pulse!!!
  3. Yeah my old man got me the book for christmas last year its mainly a fact based giving a brief biography on all the chaps and 1 lass in it got some really good old pictures of badger digs pre ban
  4. Was there on Sunday and have to say i thought it was a great event to have 64 champions al in the main arena of a game fair was something very special, the result is a matter of opinion but whoever judged is going to recieve critisism and the end of the day out of the 64 only 1 person is going to be happy!!! I would just like to share my opinion that the coloured terrier campion pup was an awsome dog (and im a russle man) it was also great to see the young who showed him doing a great job a presenting the dog in front of the judge.Its lads like these who are the future of the countryside......
  5. I cant wait will be making the 4 hour yearly pilgrimage just hope the terrier and lurcher section is situated in a better place this year
  6. I've f****d about for the last couple of years buying cheaping boots for digging and walking thinking there ok but have probably gone through about 4 pairs in this time each pair costing an average of about £50 but i got pissed off and decieded to put my hand in my pocket and brought a pair of LOWA Mountain GTX boots, now they are German which i was thrilled about!!! But to be fair they are the best boots i've ever worn, they cost £160rrp but for anyone in the same situtaion they are well worth the money!!!! Hope this isnt to boring!!!
  7. Race my dog alot mate cant see why you wouldnt be able to have seen all sorts racıng get the countrymans weekly to fınd out where your local shows are
  8. Im going to go all out, not have much shepards pie for my main then get as many down me as possible last year i managed 10 i hoping to better that this year!!!
  9. Is it a sidelock or a boxlock, sidelocks tend to be of better contsruction and therefore worth more but dont be fooled many guns are of boxlock action but the manufactures just put a sideplate on it to make it look something it isnt
  10. You can buy the skin staplers out of the back of the countrymans weekly i got 1 after the last vets bill!! fortunately not had to use it yet however the drugs side of things is a bit harder amoxicillian is a widely used antibiotic and works wounders, however in this courty you can only buy it on prescription. In europe you can buy it off the shelf so when on holiday or a mate is get stocked up. Thee 500mg tablets are the best because they are the biggest availiable you neednt buy as many!! Doseage half in the morning half at night. For maximum a week if nesessary but provide you keep the wound
  11. Should have opened them up mate you might have been able to see something amiss most poisens work by attacking the blood so could check the liver and kidneys
  12. Animal behaviour are you cuckoo!! that couarse will be full of treehuggers you no the type and any lads on there are bound to be GAY!!! but get goign with the horsey birds and the farming lads!!!!
  13. Mate i went to bishop 04/05 year it was f*****g ace i did nc gamekeeping the tutor then was derek dunston and the bloke didnt have a clue he wasnt even an ex keeper was just in the army so thought he knew about guns!!! but serioulsy the pub at the end of the drive is the altisidora and its legendary, and hull can be a bit rough but some of the clubs are cool, check out lexington avenue (LA's) and Position they were the best when i was there, but to be fare its all about the craic the lads on the agric courses are ace. For a chaps birthday we took all the furniture out his room bedded it down w
  14. Try contacting the burton hunt i no he was using brightmore lines but dont no him personall to be able to say what he has exactly
  15. I've a parsons x jack hes 3 now and going well if you read about the breed it will tell you that the parson russel was bred before the jack russel and wsa designed to run witha pack of foxhounds then go to ground when needed, hence they are leggier than Jack russels. The problem with them now is that parsons russels are a registered kennel club breed and therefore many of them have been breed for the show ring. As far as age goes i had mine out with the gun from day 1 started him off with an airgun then progressed to the shotgun, but i didnt enter hiim to ground till he was about 14 months
  16. no need to paint them mate you just need to weather them in so either leave them outside for a while or i find the best thing is to do is bury them for a while!!!
  17. I had the same trouble over the summer mate but then my dog got the cough so was off for a month then when i started back had plenty to go at for a while, maybe should give the eartha a rest for a bit, despite it being highly frustrating!!!
  18. Wish there were hot blondes round my area who were into hunting!!!
  19. my russel is by Ian Andrews 'Tic' just woundered if anyone else had a dog from these lines and how are they going with them
  20. My uncle had a russle that would draw badgers out (pre ban) sometimes they were still alive but mainly he'd kkilled them during the process, so would have thought you'd be ok mate, sounds like we should cometo norway would love to work my dog on badgers
  21. the best thing i can say mate isto go to rakers they are just out side of northchaple they have loads of guns and the lads in there do loads of shooting so will give u good advice i got my gun from there and they were really helpful with suggestions on what was best for me.
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