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Everything posted by olddog.45

  1. if some one took my ferrets i would be craking sum skulls
  2. i am in gloucester mate, but got no transport, did a lot 10 years ago just started again.i have a finder too.
  3. i have not been ferreting for a long time about 10 year got some kits in june been 3 times and they wont work run from hole two hole they think it is a game never had this problem any ideas.
  4. i do give them a couple of eggs and waiting for my first rabbit im going on monday.
  5. olddog.45


    well done mate that is very good thought.
  6. [bANNED TEXT] do you mean unplanned litter chav [bANNED TEXT] me?
  7. i agree i give my 2 dry and they drink twice as much.
  8. my 2 polecats r just like that but more of a white ring on face
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