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Everything posted by Jude

  1. Was out last night and used the battery until it was nearly dead, when went to charge it today the Guage that tells you how many bars it has left iscompletely dead even after charging for a while, any body else had this?
  2. Anybody heard of a bull/grey from the Cumbria area called Shane, would be around the early ninties. My dad had a dog out of him, just wondering if there was much other info about the dog. Cheers
  3. Looking for a bit of advice for the best way to live catch squirrels at this time of year, what bait to use? Where to position traps ect ect Cheers
  4. He's a bull grey/ saluki collie grey type, was keen to use his nose from a early age. I should have discouraged it more and got out with the lamp earlier so partly my fault. I also do a fair bit of bushing ect which doesn't help matters, suppose can't have the best of both worlds. Seen other dogs that not been lamped before straight back after a miss instead of crashing through hedges, over fences and into woods ect so just depends on the dog I suppose. Dog is only young so still time yet
  5. Anybody have much bother with a dog hunting up after a chase on the lamp? My dog hasn't been to bad when there's not much rabbits about but when on anything else or a lot of rabbits about he will rake up the full field. Still a young dog, hopefully the more running he gets it will stop
  6. its something that most of my dogs have done. if a dogs keen for hunting scent sometimes you would be aswell as shouting at a fence post,sometimes shouting loud ect that can bring more attention to you than what the dog would, a lot of the time will come back relatively quick anyway. its roe deer that are the problem at all the bits I go, never done scenting them, nightmare! its a fine line because if you are hunting a bit hill ground or bits with permission where you can let them rip then there is nothing worse if there is stuff about and you've got a dog that doesn't leave your side. ive fou
  7. was talking to the firearms department today, ive just to put in my gun cabinet and notify them when I will be moving in permanently and can move my guns in from then, this isn't normally the case but because they don't have the man power to go around checking cabinets now. cheers for replys
  8. im moving house next week and just put my shotguns into storage. was just going to move my cabinet to my new house then contact the firearms officer to come and have a look to make sure all is well. does this sound about right? also would I need to send my certificate away to change the address? any info would be appreciated, I am in central Scotland. cheers
  9. anybody got these kennels? seen them advertised on facebook. moving house shortly and getting a new setup. although a bit pricey, they look ideal, thermal, chew proof ect. be intrested to here if anybody has them. cheers
  10. for me a springer everytime, speaking only from the ones ive seen cockers have been headless chickens and seem to put more game up crashing about rather than nose, also a lot softer than a springer for thick brambles ect and with a lot of them their size lets them down aswell for retrieving seen small bitches struggling with cock pheasants.as I say just from what I have seen. cheers
  11. something that's really quick off the mark, all small fields where I am and usually only get about 4 or 5 turns before it goes unsighted so more about speed rather than a stamina machine,
  12. anybody got much experience with springer/paterdale? as could be doing a mating in the future. from what ive seen dont think you cant beat terriers for bushing but there is so many bits you cant do because of them going to ground. trying to keep away from the beagle/hound side of things. cheers for any info
  13. recall is fine bud, am talking about finding the dog for when its caught something off the lamp, which happens quite a lot, just thought it would be a good investment and save a lot of time looking and waiting. cheers
  14. been looking into getting one of these for a bit now as think would be really handy for finding a dog off the lamp. much folk on here using them? seem to be getting quite popular, just looking for some info as to what one to go for, which is easiest to work ect. any info appreciated, cheers
  15. cheers for replys, will probably go back to old method, as I say has worked quite well was just seeing if there was any other ways that had passed me by haha, cheers
  16. just really looking to see what ways guys of here are using for a quick way to flick the filter of after the slip, seen a few different ways, after getting a new lamp my old filter doesn't fit which has a bar of metal pot riveted on to which worked quite well. as folk will know can be a nightmare lamping yourself trying to do everything at once. appreciate any pics. cheers, jude
  17. got a dog that damaged cruciate around 10 months old, couldn't put any wait on it at all for a good while, after what seemed like an age of rest and lead walking only, started to get back to strength, once started running again would b lame but for a lot shorter periods of time then eventually was coming back fine. when actually running doesn't seem to give any bother at all no effect on speed ect, always stands with never full foot on the floor. dog nearly 9 now.
  18. never had a berretta or a browning so couldn't comment, very nice gun, had a good season with both gauges although 20 bore quite heavy compared to others!
  19. aye a thought they would have been a bit more popular especially with what you get for the money, have used mine all season and its been bang on!
  20. anyone else use this type of shotgun? I have both 12 and 20 bore versions of the pemium game, cant go wrong at £500 brand new. just haven't heard anyone else using them and thought they would be a bit more popular. cheers
  21. cheers for the info, appreciated
  22. this topic has probably been done before but was just looking for some info on these batterys as going to be investing in one soon by the looks of it, how long you get out of a full charge ect ect. would be using with a lightforce 170 cheers
  23. where I am in central Scotland, the place I have permission has been good for woodcock this season mainly made up of gorse, bracken ect but they have suddenly disappeared, went from seeing up to double figures in a day to absolutely nothing. the only reason I can think of has been because of the frost, snow ect thinking they would have probably moved nearer the shore. was out again today and yet again never seen a single one and the frost has been away a good few days. anybody else found this? cheers, jude
  24. thanks for the replies, sorted now, just going to for fork out for a cab one i think, expensive but will be worth it in the long run. cheers
  25. just wanting to see what people are using for transit boxes for lurchers, looking to get one for a berlingo van shortly, most that i have seen are pretty small and wouldn't be suitable for a bigger lurcher, any pictures would be great, cheers
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