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Everything posted by Jude

  1. Any lads on here had any bother with the lithium battery gauge? When I check to see how much life is left in it it’s saying full all the time, even after use, when put on charge it says full aswell. Had it a few seasons now with no problems it’s the 22amp one
  2. The Plr500 is a great cordless lamp for smaller fields ect, the only thing I’m not keen on is how tight the beam is but that’s just the design of the lamp. I recently went back to the lightforce 170 and couldn’t belive how dull/yellow it was compared to the led. Both good for different jobs
  3. What’s everybody’s rabbit populations like this year? Been out a couple of times having a look for when it cools down to get the pup a few runs. Hardly even worth bothering going out from what I’ve seen recently
  4. They collars stood the test of time, pity he doesn’t make them anymore or would have got a couple more. Always enjoyed his DVDs aswell
  5. Jude


    I have always had to travel for decent numbers of rabbits aswell but it was good to see a local population getting up, kept the dogs intrested on walks ect . Be lucky to get a few with the pup on the lamp August/September time the way it’s looking just now with the myxi
  6. After what looked like was going to b a good year for the rabbits locally, good number of young ones and as many I have seen in years, the past few nights whike walking I have been finding rabbits with the early stages of myxi, all this years which I thought was strange. Probably the earliest I have seen it, normally it hits around August time. Anybody else seen any signs of it yet?
  7. Does this only work with if you are with Vodafone? Looks a handy thing
  8. I recently purchased a pulsar axion key, when I went to use it today everything close distance was crystal clear and anything over 100 yards was grey and blurred, I’ve not played about to much with the settings it’s probably something simple. It’s at the 2.5 field of view so not zoomed in. Also tried going through the diffrent heat settings which didn’t make much difference. hopefull somebody has an answer, cheers
  9. As most have said wait till the dog is another few months older, crops are cut and there are easier rabbits about that hopefully haven’t been lamped before. wait for a decent dark windy night, pick and choose your runs..getting early success is good for the dog, knowing he can catch the rabbits and not only just chasing them. Best of luck??
  10. Was a good line of airdale bull greyhounds here in Scotland for years, died out now though
  11. Still in stock? Where are you based? Would be looking to get one to Scotland
  12. Just wondering if any lads on here are using them for the dogs, was looking into getting one, surely must be a game changer for quarry that’s lamp shy ect. cheers
  13. Thanks for the reply’s, hopefully have one soon.
  14. Will b getting a thermal spotter in the near future, just looking for advice for which would b the best option, value for money ect. Would b looking to spend upto £1400 cheers
  15. Some cracking dogs there, got a pic of Shane somewhere will find it and put it up. Anybody ever see him work?
  16. You know what happened to him?
  17. Aye heard he was some dog, hard to get a proper first cross now all generation half crosses
  18. My Old man had a dog out of him put to a greyhound, was some tool. Heard that Shane was some dog aswell, did he line many bitches?
  19. Anybody ever heard of a bull x called Shane from Cumbria area from the early 90s? Just wondering if anybody got any info
  20. Wouldn’t have anything else, Never seen anything else more desperate to catch something than a bull x. Depending on the type, most can turn their hand to most things.The majority I’ve seen have had great noses and love to hunt. Also They can take a lot of knocks and not feel sorry for themselves like a lot of other types.
  21. As most of the lads already said keep an eye on it and dont let it get out of hand. Depending on what your going to be using it for, could turn into a problem when starting lamping, especially if it’s going to be keen on using its nose which all bull x’s I’ve had were. Nothing worse than the dog missing something then being away for ages and not taking any notice of your recall.
  22. Yeah a will just have to monitor it and see how it goes, she’s not acting out of character or anything and hopefully won’t either, just starting to get her fit now. Feel like getting her spayed would b the easiest option but I would b gutted if she turned out to b what I was looking for then couldn’t breed from her. cheers
  23. Has anybody had much experiences with false pregnancies? Got a young bitch around a year old. she came on the break around 2 months ago, for the past few weeks her teats have swole, started to drop and generally looking slightly heavier. shes not been near a dog, anybody know how long will last? Cheers
  24. Yeah was thinking that myself, for the money they cost they should last a lifetime! I will take it to the shop where I got it and see if anything can be done
  25. No it’s not working at all, had it a couple years and been used plenty hoping it’s not packed in
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