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Everything posted by hogie

  1. true hogie my bitch is as good as any bull x at drawing ive seen afew good wheatenx's drawing game that are as good as any bullx i use my bullx because shes just over 21tts and she isnt as fast as she used to be after she smashed her feet
  2. i keep both bullx & wheatenx and a bull/wheaten/grey pup both have different jobs bullx is used for drawing and lamping wheatenx is used for lamping and out with the hounds both do there job both have seen plenty of game but there only as good as there last fox and there never proven until there retired or dead
  3. heres a picture of my 5year old 3/4grey 1/4wheaten dog he's been a handy fox dog from he was around 12months old
  4. thanks mate tell me about it reckon im gonna have to get a bitch pup and bring it up myself its hard to get a descent wheatenx bitch doing the job
  5. thanks lads thinking of getting a descent halfx wheaten/grey bitch to put him over
  6. thanks mate its about time i got 1 thats worth giving a chance packed the terriers in afew times after young dogs i had never made the grade but something keeps pulling me back into them
  7. thanks mate he seemed to enjoy himself hope your young dog sticks at it for you mate i no how hard it is to get a good un
  8. hope so aswell mate reckon im due a goodun
  9. the wheatenx is a brilliant cross mate reckon when the bullx bitch goes ill stick to wheatenx's and bull/wheaten/grey
  10. thanks lads was glad to get him out he hasn't done alot this season threw no fault of his own
  11. thanks mate i'll be keeping at it now
  12. haha mate i can hardly use this phone never mind a better 1 the missus has a blackberry it nearly kills me trying to use it so aslong as i can ring people and they can ring me im happy
  13. thanks lads hopefully thats him going dont think i could be bothered starting with another 8week old pup plus this we dogs not bad to have around the yard
  14. it is mate with a bit of luck he'll make a good un
  15. thanks mate he's been a handy big dog over the years hopefully his sons as good when he's older
  16. it is mate was dreading starting all over again if this 1 didn't work he seemed to injoy it now its just a matter of time to see if he sticks at it or not
  17. got the first dig out of the way for my 18month old borderxfell dog put a fox out of the cover and the lurcher run it till a we 2 hole earth so we wanted to get my young dog a handy dig got this dig at around 2 foot we dog done well so hopefully thats him started
  18. found this on my phone got this fox with my big wheatenx 2 saturdays ago thought i'd stick it up pictures taking in northern ireland
  19. we dug a vixen that was full of cubs on sunday
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