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dannys lad

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Everything posted by dannys lad

  1. a maths teacher asks a question to the class there is six birds sat on the fence an the farmer shoots one how many is left on the fence?? billy put his hand up an says none miss they would all fiy away the teacher replies thats wrong billy there is five left on the fence but i like the way your thinking though billy cherps up an says miss can i ask you a question now ok says the teacher. there are three women eating ice cream cone ones is licking the ice cream, one is biteing it and the other is sucking it which one is married the teacher nervously replies t
  2. you tell him big un

  3. i also think a lot of stolen dogs are been soled on hear it just seems to me that there is a lot of working dogs for sale at the height of season it dosen't make sense just my opinon adam
  4. what they tryin to do mate ban them all together or make them on licence??
  5. i think my terrier is catching rats on the farm and eating them but there has been some rat poison laid down that i did not know about the dog has gone right off his food and isnt over keen to come out of his hut but he seams ok in his self when he dose come out is a trip to the vets needed or will he just be off for a bit and then come around thanks adam
  6. has this dog still not gone im shocked at that it looks a handy type i thort someone would of snaped it up by now hope it gets a good working home
  7. dannys lad

    Johnny Cash

    the guy was a legend i love all his music
  8. iv been shooting with shotguns most of my life nothing major just walking the fields and shooting what runs or flys out i have been toying with the idear with trying my hand at decoying/hide shooting for pigeons but i dont have much knowledge of laying the decoys out what pattern to use where to put them where to set the hide and how to spot a flight line i was just wondering if anybody can recomend a good helpful book on pigeon shooting thanks a lot adam
  9. how much you wont to no him

  10. do you want to know him dig boy (wink wink)

  11. you have some craking dogs on there p***y looks like they all get there fair share of work as well atb adam
  12. dannys lad

    Flat Rats

    when i was back at school it was summer time and me and my mate was waiting out side to go into class when a young crow made its leap of faith out of it's nest it did not do to well with the flying job and ended up on the ground my mate been the crazy t##t that he was ran over and hoofed the crow with his size 9 steel toe caps on it must have gone over 15 yard everyone started screaming i thort the teacher was gonna kill him then he got a massive doing off the head about how cruel he was then got sent home for the rest of the week
  13. nice one mate he is a dog had him out today he was keen to check the earths so am happy didn't want to enter but he is only young thats it mate go nice an slow with him atb mate adam
  14. very nice is it a dog or a bitch? hope you get it working there isnt alot of working borders left all the best with the dog mate adam
  15. very nice that mate i have a pennine 2000 one but i carnt find it any where
  16. welldone mate hes a credit to you pal
  17. iv been toying with the idear of getting a bedlington.they come across as good all round dogs
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