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Everything posted by Jef66

  1. I'd have to agree. plenty of cover and a nice variety of things to shoot.
  2. I'll second that, I loved it over there..... beautiful country... and I got to fire ridiculous amounts of ordnance n get paid for it
  3. Excellent news. makes me a happy teddy
  4. Zeroed to 25 yards [lol my gardens only that long]. i'll zero it further once I get out to the farm. I'm well impressed with the accuracy, even with the RWS hollowpoints that I'm havin to use till I can get a tin of diablos. Even with the silencer its got a bang, god knows how loud it'd be without Liking the scope as well, not a bad buy considering how little I know about air rifle scopes
  5. thanks for all the response. I'll pass numbers on to sharon so she can get in touch and get things rolling.
  6. :clapper: :clapper: Finally I wandered in and the guy was all 'oooh hello, your rifles in' so much for 'we'll ring u soon as it arrives' So I'm the VERY happy owner of a brand new HW90k..... off to mount the scope and try n get it zero'd then hopefully time to drive to the mother in laws land and gank some vermin Pics to follow
  7. Hi all, My friend sharon has a couple of acres in Ingatestone, Essex. and WAY too many bunnies. She asked me to find out if anyone in the area would be able/willing to help her reduce the rabbits and save her prized organic veggie patch. Please pm me if you can help out and i'll put u in touch
  8. Right, it's now a week past the 14 days they told me it'd take to come in, and no rifle I'm off down there when i've had me cuppa and an egg n bacon sarnie to get unhappy with em. wish me luck
  9. Far as I know it's illegal to buy air rifles by post.... period now. sales all have to be face to face.
  10. HeeHee my bird recognition goes to pot after a few beers with me dinner
  11. Dont think curlews have orange legs, and their bills have a more pronounced curve..... I'm just lookin thro my reference books tryin to figure out what it might be
  12. Served 5 yrs in the infantry and I think its shameful that the ghurkas are treated so poorly by our government. signed happily and passed the link on to a few other forums I'm active on
  13. I reckon wire wool should be fine, that'll provide enough key for the new paint, and save you having to prime and prepare bare wood.
  14. Interesting video, I wonder how much of it is his fieldcraft... and how much is his 'wonderspray' ?
  15. My girlfriend asked me to move a wee pile of bricks, due to the large number of spiders and her not bein terribly fond of em Took way longer than it should have coz I kept stoppin to try n get piccies. sadly my little NV10 isn't really built for macro shooting and most were too crap to post. Got a few tho, so if any of you clever people know what sort of spiders these are I'd be well happy to find out. this guy was about 10mm long in the body This was a good 25mm in the body This shelob was easily 30-35mm in the body, obligingly sat in a friends bathtub for h
  16. YaY spiderthread. Got a few nice snaps of a female wolf spider and her eggsac last year
  17. A quick search of the Living Off The Land & Game Cooking forum helps Woodie Recipies Technically 'cock'ing a woodie is bestaility ..... don't get caught [and dont forget gaffer tape or they'll split]
  18. cool. thanks for all the advise and feedback gents. I ordered it almost 3 weeks ago, and was told 10-14 days.... it'll be 21 days on tuesday tomorrow i'm goin to drop into the gunshop and ask what the f**k they are takin their time over. they already took a month to get a quote and get the ball rolling and my patience is beyond thin now. If I don't get a decent answer morro i'll be demanding my ££ back and leaving them a few choice phrases collected in my service years to think about. Wont be using them again, even if the rifle is in tomorrow to be honest. Luckily it's not the onl
  19. Our Ferrets love woodies too..... pity I've nailed all the ones daft enuff to land in range of my bedroom window
  20. Where the hell did you read that, so I can add it to my list of books that talk utter bollocks
  21. Waverly is as far as I know, I grew up in Southend, used to go out on trips on the Waverly Nice piccies too, thanks for sharin
  22. always nice to get a woodie blissfully unaware. On that note I quite fancy pigeon pie.... might have to take myself off during the week and nail enuff for one
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