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Everything posted by Jef66

  1. not tried, or even seen one, however havin looked at their site i might treat myself to one. the Swedes have always made good steel
  2. well if you fill all your details out correctly all your organs go to the needy when you turn your toes up If you fill in your forms incorrectly we will arrive soon to take your organs before u turn your toes up
  3. nice lookin ferrets, good so see a rescue that will rehome to a workin ferreter too hope ya have many successful and fun years workin em
  4. Congrats TL, ya lucky bastid the s type is a lovely looking gun and i'm sure you'll be ganking bunnies like mad with it.
  5. Jef66

    Mini heatwave

    Weathers lovely in the west midlands I can feel another bbq comin on tonight.... hmmm which reminds me I outta go n buy more beer
  6. Yup, I was peering over the fence onto the land next to my permission and growling at the 2 fat bunnies sat there grinning at me..... I swear the little bastids know where the permission ends
  7. If you're capable of all that messin with a springer, treat yourself to a HW100. reliable, quiet, and it'll last you years
  8. HeHe actually that monstrosity lives in a dusty old drawer, looks very macho, but doesn't even have an edge This is the little blade I use for gutting n skinning, opens one handed. If I forget that one [ I'm old and memory impaired ] I always have me leatherman attached to my belt
  9. hahaha, sadly enuff it is rather amusing to play with... i didn't leave it alone till the other 1/2 shouted up offering me beer
  10. I always use this coz it makes me feel like a klingon warrior :11:
  11. why thanks TL on the second day of my basic infantry training great big drag knuckled, lantern jawed sergeant major screamed into my face "ANY C*NT CAN BE UNCOMFORTABLE GREEN!!!!" I took this fatherly advise to heart
  12. I got a HW90k also weighs in about 9+ pounds scoped... they aren't that heavy to pick up, but carry one about all day and thats a different story. And i'm not 13
  13. £15.50 for 2 tins of diablo, plus 54 miles in my little diesel fiesta about a fiver in fuel tops. Best deal I can find online [without spending hours n hours] is £18 for 2 tins plus £5 delivery, along with whatever damage the mungos at the courier firm subject my ammo to. I still come out on top, plus a nice day out in stratford upon avon and its wide selection of decent pubs and eateries
  14. Jef66

    AC/DC fans?

    Classic Stuff AC/DC BIG BALLS
  15. To be fair it was a lot more accurate till I lent it out and it came back with a loosened barrel :/ LOL the racket it makes when you are frantically pumping it back up will clear any game for miles around
  16. Welcome to THL mate, very nice lookin setup
  17. Hehe I have an old Crosman model 1 pump up. Awful inaccurate pellet slinger it is too
  18. Nice shootin Liam, that little ultra is doin a sterling job matey
  19. That link returns an 'address not found'
  20. Jef66

    AC/DC fans?

    I did my basic training at bassingbourne barracks in 1984... and old aerodrome. My section Cpl was an old metalhead. One afternoon he comes into the lines and snaps at me "GREEN!! you little scrote... get your arse over to hanger 3 ... you're on extra fatigues!" Uh oh... what the f**k have I been pinged for now ... I dutifully take myself over to said hangar, still wondering what the fook i'd done to deserve a day of fatigues. Wandered in and to my utter disbelief found that AC/DC are using the hangar to rehearse their live act for the Hells Bells tour Spent the whole day there. Cpl woo
  21. nicely shot Al.... that bit of chipboard wont be causing any trouble anymore
  22. foned about yesterday lookin for a local gunshop that had AA diablo field pellets in stock.... nearest place I could find was a 30 mile drive away in stratford upon avon of all places. Hey ho, it was a nice sunny day so me n the other 1/2 hopped in the car and scooted over there, grabbed a coupla tins and spent a nice day wandering by the river. Finally got time to re-zero my HW90k with the new pellets today............ WoW a very very noticable difference in accuracy at 25 yards. I was cheerfully grouping 10-15mm groups at that range. Tried throwing a few at 1/4" marine ply ..
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