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Everything posted by bonehead

  1. lol looks lurcher like mate as lurcher as any of the dogs I have seen on here dam collie grey all I know
  2. I will get back to you once she full grown
  3. Never a stupid question only stupid answer eh ?? Have think about it lad
  4. Nae forget shouldn't have to why it so important for pic
  5. Aye can see that maybe one day be as good as them and be worthy lol glad I am not living next door to they might be different story but them you always get that on any forum I guess lol
  6. Seem to be a cleak here lads eh
  7. I don't care what you think lad not looking for lads to big up my dog
  8. Probs is smart arse like you put other lads dogs and views down
  9. Iam Chris packman iam emailing you from my deer hide right now
  10. Due to the amount of anti hunting zealots I never put pictures of my dogs up or location as iam sure there is prob few trolling here looking for wrong doers to report to there over lords I only asked question to see it guys reckoned size of pup but it's cool nae real hassle we it I will just enjoy reading guys posts in future atb
  11. I don't envisage this group doing any true lobbying of the government. If we are "affiliated" to the Countryside Alliance, that is their speciality. The more members the group has, the stronger our right to be heard will be. We need to be in it to win it. does that mean countryside alliance are looking for money contributions from this group ?
  12. Got the pup from someone who had to give it up due to illness and there was not sure of pups breeding as dam was jumped mistake I reckoned pup would make around 20/22tts but just wondered what some of the the experienced guys would of thought but cool I just wait and see lol
  13. Liquid glucose in tube tesco £1 just squeeze some in water mix
  14. Nice looking pup really like the look of it my kinda pup
  15. Hope this group can lobby the goverment to have a rethink about the law although I will never post pictures of my dogs or loaction due to some of the the anti hunting feeling and iam sure there are few anti types trolling on here hoping to find folk acting against the ban and report it to there overlords hopefully they will read this and see the support and the momentum that this thread is collecting and can report back that we the repressed are now ready to fight back
  16. Well the antis have the upper hand we adverting and money by look of it the b*****ds
  17. I am just looking to mince meat and I have tubs of bone meal to add so no need to mince bones space is a issue in new house to hence mincing meat
  18. Lol this weirdo on everything we all his profiles john your a card nae mare story's to write this brill what machine
  19. sorry ment doesn't take up so much room as space limited
  20. Aye john ur a queer one eh lad we all the profiles
  21. Thanks for your contribution.Bonehead by name... your welcome keep up the good work (mind boggles )At least he anit shy to show his dogs... Look in top condition ..atb nae you again you still we the photo crap weird lad
  22. why are you harassing me for pictures all the time seems weird are you all there in head mate no wonder folk look down on guys that do this sport we guys like you stalking members whats it all about lad ??Like they say .the.cream allways rise to the top.....and stop sending me pms..lol there filling up my inbox...atb lol very strange lad
  23. Thanks for your contribution. Bonehead by name... your welcome keep up the good work (mind boggles )
  24. Photos of a dog licking another dog very interesting
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