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Everything posted by austin

  1. Rememberence Sunday is linked with church services so its kinda inextricably linked with some sort of compromise about dates but The 11/11/11 one minutes silence can be observed wherever you are. So what if the shop you are queuing in does't shut it's tills at 11 o'clock on the 11th? Why not simply remind them with a timely tap on the watch and a hush sign. If that fails just stand still and block the queue.You won't be alone. a good reminder for all http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=eyrCm5e32qc&...feature=related
  2. intended to fish pier but they had shut it off at the gates so no luck there. although i did manage a few whities and a codling. should throw up some decent fish sun/ mon night when it calms off a bit.
  3. this was the scene i was greeted with when arriving for my days fishing.
  4. http://www.worldseafishing.com put a post on here, plenty of lads to help you out
  5. she is tracey allen of the countrymans weekly.
  6. one of his favorite places
  7. always have a tube of chloromycetin in , it will take the coudiness away in days.
  8. Yes, dogs docked pre ban are allowed to compete, but post ban and as its a public show with people paying an entrance fee, puppies docked post ban are not allowed to compete, not our rules its the law.
  9. Just to let you know there will be 2 groups of individual show classes held at the Midland this year for Plummer Terriers. The first , with full classification Working Plummer Terrier classes to be held in the morning(working judge) followed by a Breed show again with full classification , in the afternoon (KC judge) each champion will go head to head for the overall supreme of Show and Plummer of the Year 2007. Rosettes sponsored by Tideline books. Prize money (cash), trophys, dog food, dog cages and a whole host of other things for class winners with even more for finalists winners.
  10. austin

    must read

    Its a belgian blue (cattle) of the canine world , although limosins, charolais and even a few of our native breeds such as aberdeen angus have gone that way, (muscle bound morons), mind you they were bred for the table, so perhaps the market for these dogs is on the table in china or such like who still eat dogs - just dont tell janet street porter from the f word or she will be serving it on a tasting table at crufts or similar like she did the horse meat.
  11. I have studied the docking bill and are entertained by your personal adaptation and understanding of it, it wont be until a few of you get your collar felt so to speak until you actually realise the severity of what you have done by home docking - in protest. the law is the law, not only that, it condems the pups you have mutilated to a life behind bars so to speak, but hey!! why should I care. I dont, bravado by 'big men' just amuses and entertains me, i just feel sorry for the impressionable who follow as its usually them who 'cop for it'..
  12. too much to loose , no I wont be docking any more puppies, your answer to everything is to call ppl an anti just because they dont blatantly flaunt the law. sad or what
  13. sensible and serious question mate - ru the prik
  14. Docked eh? how did you get round the docking law or are they going to be chipped having been docked by a vet?
  15. Shame, but thats the risk with 'extreme sports', glad i wasnt there.
  16. nothing can be at its best when its cut and dry before it even starts and the pta wont allow all plummers to be shown just their own - shame on the PTA and you big V as one of the committee for encouriging this childish behaviour especially with all the shouting the pta does.scared of a bit of competition are you?
  17. austin

    Tail docking

    How do they intend to do that? surely if the dogs registered then its impossible, it may be easier for unregistered dogs, but someone will be made an example of and it wont be me.
  18. time you lot in the pta moved on and let anyone with a registered dog show, it looks so bad (like a child eating sweets and keeping them to themselves) , gives a blinkered view for the public and is discriminating to say the very least . the dogs are for anyone and everyone not just the pta's chosen few, unless you lot are scared of a bit of competition .
  19. even if the RSPCA are with the police they still do not have any power or right to see your dogs, kennels etc. the only time they do is if the police hold a warrant and the specific RSPCA's officer,s name is on that warrant. otherwise they have to wait off the property for the police to inspect. worse thing to do is invite them in, once you have they can then remove your dogs for any reason. try getting them back then
  20. A lot less than Parksey now we scuppered him and his little tricks, but it may be worthy of a mention that the PTCGB forum is a breed society club forum - NOT a hunting forum , just in case your little brain cant take in such a difficult comparison PTCGB forum - breed enthusiasts The HL - Hunting Life - ie for those who specialise in activities relating to hunting - which gets me to thinking why you are on here BBB ?
  21. just the pic that makes his leg look that way nuv, took a slight nip on his foot so it could also be that as he is still favoring it at the mo.
  22. shame the so called pure dogs aint the only one to work charlie isnt it. must admit lucky first one today for sid. he found this one in a small tunnel about six foot long in the banking. although to be honest fox aint my thing all the time, now and then is ok but i got sid to rat and bush with, at that he is comming on nicely as i posted a while ago BBB i aint got no need for all the bravado and bull that goes with it, sid does me proud in what ever i ask and to be honest for me that is all i need in a dog. now if you feel YOU have something to prove then take up the challenge layed dow
  23. sounds like you been sniffing the toilet bowl again nuv :whistle:
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