I'm with you on that Mr. W.,, that's probably why I still take to the needles as we all like to try/see the different types of twines available,, I doubt there is much out there though that I've not tried out though ?, to date my preference is a nice lightweight braided nylon,,
You need to clove hitch the lines to the poles,, it's best also to feed your end meshes onto the 1st and the last pole, if you look on YouTube I'm sure you will find out how to form a clove hitch.
1st couple of knots are single, 2nd couple are single with a hitch on top, 3rd couple are knot and a half (Carrick), 4th couple are double Carrick. All are perfect whilst using spun poly
Couple for the pot is where I get the satisfaction setting a length of net. It's just a very strange sight to see an area once over run with rabbits to see basically nowt, the whole landscape has even changed,, like being on a different part of the world.. No doubt this so called vhd2 or whatever its name is,, Man has put his tuppence worth in..
Good to see a bit of activity in the section again.. I have a few nets laying around the place, though they don't get out much due to the lack of rabbits. I never ever thought that I would see areas once heaving with rabbits now wiped out.. Heartbreaking so it is..
We call them Ministers up this end ,, had a fair few through the years .. All sorts off shades ,, leave the Ginger shades though!! Them fkrs are cursed ! .. I ended up Bald ,, bad back ,, and numerous visits to the Dentist !! ..
?.. Good on ya ! I've been trying for years to get shot of the one I have ?.. But She is a grafter , doesn't speak untill spoken to ,feeds and cleans the ferts, walks the muppet and buys in the drink ?.. So to be honest I think I'll hold on to it for a while longer ??.
Once it's gone it's gone ?
Oh and if She could see this then I'd be F#d ?.