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About netrigger

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 03/03/1964

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  1. Stick to diamond mesh Folk reckon square mesh was is in long nets many moons ago , maybe they did but I have never seen or used one or know anyone in the past and present who have You will still need to add the slack ,if you are up for giving one a go .
  2. Them silver rabbits have sharp teeth ?
  3. Been saying that for years regarding hugging the ground,, and you are spot on regarding the running kill ?
  4. I can't understand the slack bottom line either,, a couple of inches maybe but when it's yards ? it's very strange indeed, fks up the net so it does ,, fk setting with a wind that line will rise and blow around like an old torn pair of Y Fronts ,, I've re-rigged quite a few nets with the same problem you have ,, as you say it doesn't take long to sort but I'd rather not have that problem to start with . Regards.
  5. Stunning scenery, definitely well worth the miles that you put in ..
  6. I do miss the night time netting ,, definitely a thing of the past up this end ,, a combination of the lack of rabbits and no one having the interest . The couple of traditional nets that I still have will be converted into a pre-set style .
  7. Definitely less folk venturing out in the dark ,, at least you gave it a go and that's all that matters .
  8. Probably a bit late ,, but I know a bloke who also makes cracking wires ,,
  9. Don't throw cash at inferior nets ,, as the lads above have said ,, Nelson's the man to contact.
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